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Dan's Ark

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Dan's Ark last won the day on August 24 2013

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  • Guns
    Classic Army M15A4 (Collapsible stock)
  • Loadouts
    None currently.........starting again!
  • Sites
    Gun Ho Airsoft, Guisborough (Now closed)
    NTAC, Durham
    Northern Alliance Airsoft, Dishforth
  • Gender
  • Location
    Middlesbrough, England
  • Interests
    Aviation, modern history, gaming.

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  1. I have only had my Glock for five months and the magazines are all leaking, stoooooooooooopid.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      Yep, it's definitely a problem with the inlet valves. Reset valves are working properly but the inlet valves are still leaking gas.


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      My TM Sig had really weird issues with the mags, it held the gas perfectly fine, but when you came to put them in the gun in order to fire it, you'd never get more than half a mag of gas out of it.

      Despite there being no leaks, checked by dunking them in water and everything.


      It was as if they were half full of putty or something.


      My WE Glock is spectacular though, mags are the best I've ever had for a gas blowback. Had more use out of this Glock in 2 mon...

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Had more use out of this Glock in 2 months than I had out of my previous 4 or 5 pistols combined over the course of 3 years.


      Can't recommend it enough.

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