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  1. It's been over a week ive been waiting for you to send me the Scar, you've had my end of the trade since Tuesday and falsely saying that my GBB mp5k is broken, with serious issues. It worked completely fine shown in videos the night I boxed it up.

    All I've had is excuse after excuse from you about it being posted about who's sending it. When it's being sent. You either send me your end of the trade or you simply send me the mp5k back. 

    Now your ignoring my messages and phone calls. And replying to other accounts about selling the scar when your supposed to be sending it me? 

    Bottom line it's fraud. 

    Police will be notified Wednesday.

    Get your act together!


    1. JinxDuh


      He messaged me stating he had a grip I had posted in the "wanted" section, refused to send pictures of it... Kind of seemed odd to me. Guess it makes sense after seeing this... Hope you get it sorted pal

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