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Project Zodiac

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  1. @1st commando no need for the apology, feedback has said that it's a bit unclear and we are working on it. There have as you say, been many attempts at various schemes over the years. We emphasise the fact that we are not an airsoft business, but instead working on behalf of those who are, the players and the whole community. Prepare to be impressed, if I don't see you at this one, then I am sure I'll see you at the next 🤙
  2. 😢 I really don't want to do this... Firstly guys, I still haven't had a response from admin, so I still feel limited in my response. @1st commando while your mathematics are spot on... you actually added up the wrong ticket 🤦‍♂️. To enter the competition and be in with a chance of winning the £100k you need to be a Participant. This is a £385 ticket and there will be 8 members per team. I am sure you can work out that we can more than cover the prize fund with 40 teams (320 paying players). It really depends how greedy we are as event organisers, which isn't very. The £100 ticket you refer to in your equation is an access ticket. For those who want a longer weekend of all the things they enjoy and love about airsoft. Irrespective of wether they view this as a sport, hobby or just a reason to be out making friends. Company registration details are at the bottom of every page of our website. We are sorry you didn't see them, but this is a legal trading requirement. Project Zodiac has been set up in 2023 to promote, build and protect the armed combative sports industry. Running events is our way of giving back to the players and the community as a whole. Our sponsors are supporting us because they share the same vision as we do, and wish to build a focal point in the airsoft calendar that represents all. Ask them. @CannonfodderAs you know, this is our first airsoft event. But the team here manage events all year around and know how to provide for a large group of people. Sponsors and supporters of the event are shaping the "airsoft" theme and together we can assure you fresh approach to an airsoft event that gives back and reflects the requirements of the community. I take whole responsibility for any misinterpretation of the pricing, price fund distribution or any other conflict. But I urge you to simply read through and look again. We are having edits being made to reflect your feedback and make things clearer. Guys, airsoft is always under threat, especially right now with social media purges. We must stick together as a community and encourage each other. Even if not ourselves, then other event organisers who are trying to support the hobby that you all partake. I will as promised let you know when our next web update is live but in the mean time, if you do have any questions please do post them here because I am sure your not the only one asking it. If you'd prefer you can call in on 07780 634 559 and someone will happily take your call and answer your questions. I truly wish you all well. As a #airsoft-forums.uk exclusive: We are holding an onsite media day within the next 10 days. You can expect a lot more from us after that 👍
  3. Hi All, I am the Project Lead for this event, Craig. I have messaged the admin here to make sure I can reply in plenty of detail without breaching any rules (I don't want to be seen to be promoting Op Scorpio in this thread). You have all raised some familiar points that I am keen to address, and will do as soon as I have heard back from Admin. I can assure you this is a very real event, ran in a very different way to a traditional airsoft event. We promise to be 100% transparent with you all and will, in full detail address every point made to give complete clarity. In the meantime the contact number on the website will come straight through to me if you would like to call through and discuss further (I won't post the link without admin permission, but the number is on the contact page). This is the first known thread we have discovered about our event and I am grateful for the feedback. I will be having edits made to the website to reflect your points. Until then I would urge you to re look at prize fund distribution, and any of our sponsors would happily take your call to confirm their involvement I am sure. Until my next post, enjoy your weekends, if it wasn't for threads like this we would not be able to build these events into what they are. Craig Op Scorpio Project Lead Director Project Zodiac Limited Massive thanks to Tuton for starting this thread, hope we get a good welcome ourselves 😉
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