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  1. Julien

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thanks, Would like to keep it as stock as possible and avoid changing parts if there isn’t a real need behind it or a known high risk of break.
  2. Julien

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hello, I have an MWS M4A1 and would like to use it on green gas, I read a lot about it and saw videos, but I have to admit I don’t know where to start. I ordered a Bavtac Nozzle return spring as the stock one is prone to break at some point with GG. I also ordered a Bavtac Nub because I would like to play with 0,32g bbs (I have a lot as bought in bulk for the rest of my airsoft toys). Last thing is there is a 1J limit where I play so I took a FEDA Valve (NPAS) with the bavtac parts to fine tune the Joules as close as possible to the limit depending on temperature. I put a coin (1€) at the bottom of the buffer tube as I tested it and saw the bolt screw was touching the lower body part (over travel). I bought 3 additional GM Pmags at the moment. Are there things I forgot? Should I change something else? Stock buffer / buffer spring is ok? Stock BCG / Nozzle is also ok? Thanks in advance
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