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Profile Information

  • Guns
    JG G3 RAS
    ??? G36A1 with navy trigger group
    KWA P226
  • Loadouts
    90s Bundeswehr
  • Gender
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  • Interests

    Combat Flight Simulators (because take-off and landing with just straight line flying in-between is nowhere near as interesting as dropping CBU-105s from 1000-40000 feet)

    German - and related food :D

    Russian - and related pancakes :D

    Guns that put hands in the air rather than just looking good.

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About Me

My biggest wish would be to obtain lots of monies, and use it to buy a MiG-29 or an Su-35, a runway, fuel, and a butler who's just like Michael Caine. And a Master Chef winner for a cook. And to see House MD continue on for an 8th series and beyond. And the obvious thing. And... more monies. And super powers. And an airsoft VSS. And a medium sized country. And to be feared, even by Vladimir Putin. And an electric razor that can actually cut through through my beard once it gets growing. And a Lego Rock Raiders mod for Minecraft, complete with slimey slugs and those voice overs that came on whenever you put your mouse over anything . "Hard rock." "Hard rock." "Dirt." "Rubble." "Undiscovered cavern!"

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