Hi mate, just gave it a deep clean and re greased and oiled everything up. No change still misses every other shot.
Two older mags I have changed some of the o rings on as they were leaking anyway. The mags sit tight when inserted and there is no play up and down, even when trying to push them up when firing no difference.
Upside down it will fire correctly for some reason so I suppose that means it needs more gas to come out? I have got a stronger amg hammer spring to see if that helps.
I notice it gets stuck a little bit if I gently cock it back, it sounds almost like there is some part rubbing. I am just not able to see what it is. When i take it appart after firing the liquid left inside has some black residue so some black part obviously. I have heard of people filing back a part just not sure what.
I have attached an image showing how it got stuck.