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  • Guns
    Ghk g5, g&g cqbr ebb m4, Asg scorpion evo, quite a busted up Asg aug and Asg cz75 shadow
  • Loadouts
    Dark grey camo shirt, trousers, belt, vest
  • Sites
    Hq airsoft Driffield

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  1. Hey guys, on my mk18 build I’d love some help. Started as a g&g cqbr and I’m hoping that I can get an interchangeable lower, any ideas of what I can use? What kind of lowers can I use? Hop unit? Just about anything you guys can do to help would be great

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. thewalkerdead


      Ah so it would just be the hop that I should look at changing? That’s actually very helpful, the current hop unit I have is seperate from everything so I could just buy a new one and drop it in, it’s just about finding what fits, thanks! 

    3. TheFull9


      Assuming your FPS/Joules are right, then yeah the hop is the issue in some way or other. They're a seperate unit in 99.9% of RIFs so easy to change the rubber or nub or the whole unit, and there's a good chance it's the former that's your issue not the whole unit itself. Make a thread with your exact gun in Tech discussion someone will know about G&G AEGs for sure.

    4. thewalkerdead


      Awesome I’ll do that! 

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