Ghk has repeatedly shown that they can't make good aks as evident in their V3 AK launch. V2 production already has a boat load of problems which they promised to fix in V3 but somehow made it worse.
I should mention that V3 AKs no longer have parts OEM by LCT which makes it entirely GHK's fault. If you haven't seen it already, Explosive enterprises have a video on the GHK AK V3 at launch. TLDR: The gun is inefficient, sluggish, has a high chance of parts defect, contains multiple unfixable design flaws, inauthentic to its real counterpart and expensive. Just to name a few.
GHK also lied to their customers, they paid 4UAD to have a "early preview" video and likely told them not to talk bad on the gun/ don't talk about too much aspects. Which is shoddy business practice to get people to drop £600 on a gun that GHK definitely knows is half-baked.