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Posts posted by SierraBravo

  1. On 05/10/2022 at 08:06, Jaylordofwaargh said:

    Strange, the two people shouting the praises haven't been back on this thread to tell us how wrong we were.....


    Also as a point of order, if your head marshal "takes a tumble" that needs hospital....what kinda site are you using?!

    Its funny you should say that, one of those people is in a GBBR whatsapp chat and was spamming the chat with AI500 nonsense telling us all how it was narrative led (then went on to describe a green vs tan battlesim) and the most amazing thing we'd ever be likely to attend blah blah.... 


    I quoted his messages after ai500 had taken place to let him know what he had said hadn't aged well..... still waiting for a reply... 


    Judging by his posts in that chat, he has team mates who are mates with the AI team.... Classic airsoft circle jerk! 

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