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  1. roger_37

    not firing

    after doing some shooting to-day all seems good . no problem now with leaking gas i changed the o ring seal /sticking charger, just needed silicon oiling, all working good so a happy shooter, thanks all for the help.
  2. roger_37

    not firing

    will do ,mod done on leaking mag new seal installed don't think it is leaking now, other seal was torn not split but a bit hanging off, so replaced it with seals i had.
  3. roger_37

    not firing

    ok thanks for all the help, will have a look on the tube
  4. roger_37

    not firing

    id be interested in knowing the fix for the mag,thanks but there was gas in the mag as i let it out with the release valve.
  5. roger_37

    not firing

    yes new from retailer only a few days old. yes using green gas mag has gas in it it fires then stops feeding bbs to fire.
  6. roger_37

    not firing

    just changed to heavier bbs but still the same help.
  7. roger_37

    not firing

    gun cycles ok, it fires ok but it stops with bbs in the mag, it fires 3/4/5/then stops gas still in mag, also some times you have to recharge because it does not recharge with the blow back what can i do to stop this?
  8. roger_37

    not firing

    will try that and see if it cycles sorted now all ok thanks for all the help guys.
  9. roger_37

    not firing

    it fires but no bb come out ,they bb roll out i turned the hopup wheel and it fired the bbs but then stopped so more adjustment needed
  10. roger_37

    not firing

    yes fully cocked but the bb just roll out of the barrel
  11. roger_37

    not firing

    ACTION ARMY - AAP-01 ASSASSIN - BLACK have this gun loaded it with green gas 6mm bb, but wont fire,what am i doing wrong ,im a nob.
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