Alright guys, new (but not new) to airsoft… been going on and off for years, probably been 10/12 times but always as a rental. I’m due to get my ukara next trip although not rushing into anything. I’ve already built some kit up so that’s all sorted webbing etc and before anyone asks yes I’ve got face mask, revision sawfly glasses and some altbergs so I haven’t scrimped on the important stuff 👍 I’ve read through a lot of the posts already and learned your all saying get to know which one I like the look of first and then from that can decide which make and model to get. Until I’m very experienced I don’t even want to think about any upgrades etc so I’m looking for advice on what to get. I don’t need all the bells and whistles like recoil or the ones that stop once the mags empty I just want solid reliability and to be very competitive out the box, I’m not expecting things that are fairytales but defo want to be accurate and good range etc. Want to shoot a rental then shoot my new one and say Jesus that’s the dogs… Not got a budget as such but I was thinking around 300 and then whatever it costs for spare mags battery’s charger etc. In life I’ve always been buy cheap buy twice but if your going to say you’ll get the same out of £200 than you will out £300 then fair play but if you say stretch to 4 and it will be a different beast then I could probably stretch. In the future I’ll be looking into going into sniping but that’s down the line when I’ve earned my stripes so to speak so at least this way I’ve got a solid back up if future rifle has problems. Play at 2 sites and are both woodland. Enjoy having a sneak around at distance sometimes but equally like throwing a smoke and running at the trenches lol I’ve always liked the look of the m14 but thought I may be outgunned at closer quarters with it only being semi. So I’ve been thinking probably m4 route, seems popular so must feel nice in your hands and IF I decide in future to upgrade abit there seems to be more scope for this? I’d like a standard to longer barrel rather than the shorter cqb style, I know it has no affect whatsoever in airsoft but it just wouldn’t feel right in my hands.
Sorry for the long winded post I tried to answer some questions that you were probably going to come back with 😂👍
I’m happy with decent second hand gear but I read someone say to stay clear of second hand until experienced in what to look out for.