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Everything posted by Eyeanman

  1. Between 10:30 and 4pm we got through 4 games, 2 were around 30mins each while the other 2 around an hour each (i think...). Which now sounds like there was alot of hanging around waiting, but there wasnt.
  2. So did my first day playing Airsoft today over at Airsoft Plantation. Went with a friend who turns out has been going for some time! Mostly had a good time, absolutely shattered though! Don't think my body has moved like that (short running bursts, kneeling down, bending round corners etc) for around 2 years. THINK I mostly kept up with the pace, there were a few times I was happy to stay back a bit lol. As a first timer, my biggest challenge was knowing the map. Marshalls explained the game and where we needed to go etc, but not knowing where they are, meant I was just following others around quite a bit. Think once ive been there a few more times, ill start to get to know where everything is and have more of a equal playing field to the regulars. (Maybe i should have asked the marsalls for a map or something...). Did feel guilty at one point as a nade went off which I thought was 7-8 meters away (where they say anyone within 5m is hit), but marshall called me out to say it hit me, happily took the hit without question, just didnt want to come across as cheating at all. Overall I enjoyed myself and can only see it getting better, Health Stats: Fat Burn Minutes: 217 (119-140bpm) Cardio Minutes: 182 (141-167bpm) Peak Heart Rate: 155bpm Calories Burnt: 4,324
  3. Cheers, I've actually booked in at Plantation for Sunday, think the wife would kick off if I was out for both days lol. Let me know next time you go though, happy to tag along
  4. Yeah I know, just reaching out to oddjob as they were looking for a crew to hang with
  5. Hey, I'm new to airsoft and looking for a few locals to come and hold my hand I'm hoping to get to either Skirmish Billericay or Tower Airsoft this weekend (both are within a couple of miles from my house which is nice!)
  6. Ah ok, thought they had to be fully sealed? Will have another look into it
  7. Thanks for the heads up... Will make sure to use a cap and save the helmet for the bedroom (since the wife said I looked rather sexy...) The goggles came with 3 lenses (tinted/clear/yellow), will make sure to take them and switch out depending on what the lighting is like
  8. Well that's disappointing especially when its walking distance from my house. not that I would walk there... lol
  9. Thank you all for the messages of support! Will make sure to go out and get some decent Boots, Face Protection and maybe some camo stuff, just gotta resist the urge to jump in and get a two-tone before even trying it out! Ive got a old spring loaded Air Rifle that fires lead pellets... but pretty sure I'd get banned (and arrested...) if I were to bring that!
  10. Hey All, Been looking at starting a hobby which would make me a little more active than I currently am and Airsoft peaked my interest! Currently sitting at 275lb (and only 5"10) - I'm somewhat overweight! I used to have fairly good stamina for a fat-un, playing Badminton fairly often, where I would get out of breath but would able to keep up with the session/other much fitter plays! But this was pre-lockdown and now my stamina has bottomed out and don't last as long as I used to, though I hope this fixes itself fairly quickly once I start getting active again. I'm fairly shy and take some time to get comfortable in the environment I'm in when its unknown to me (unless there is beer involved... then im alright!). My main reservations are meeting/making friends with the locals and the impact im gonna have on others due to my lack of fitness. I've been reading/watching alot about Airsoft and do want to take that leap to give it a go, but would make it a whole lot easier if it was with a few people who are already into the hobby and would have the patience/banter to support me. So if anyone has any tips/tricks or fancies introducing me to Airsoft locally that would be awesome Thanks
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