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Status Replies posted by EthnicSaints

  1. UPS making me fill out a firearms declaration form to import an empty MWS bolt & bolt catch, just as they did a few years ago when I ordered an airsoft magazine... I cannot stand UPS

    1. EthnicSaints


      thats got me more worried, I'm being sent an AEG but its been broken into parts for shipping so hopefully it's okay

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. UPS making me fill out a firearms declaration form to import an empty MWS bolt & bolt catch, just as they did a few years ago when I ordered an airsoft magazine... I cannot stand UPS

    1. EthnicSaints


      You got me worried, I'm using them to bring a gun in from Europe :'(

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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