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  1. It's a shame that there is no real benefit to using a LMG over a AR with a drum mag. I wonder what sites could do to try and encourage them.

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    2. pyromancer6


      It's a shame box mags are just so wank unless you spend a fortune on one - it's much easier to get a ARP-9 or M4 to feed and fire on a drum then it is to get anything A&K or similar flavoured to feed correctly because, well - support gun activities :P

    3. Arclaw


      Anecdotally, the brick-style gearbox used by most proper LMGs is more robust to long bursts of automatic fire than a V2. The thing is a pretty solid lump. Using an LMG like an LMG- for suppression-  I can trivially go through 5000 bbs in a day. Would a V2 have a problem with that?

      That said, I can attest that LMGs are the kit-cars of airsoft guns- you spend more time tinkering with them than driving them. And yes, I spent a lot getting mine to a usable state, including a new box mag. It's a labour of love...

      Having a big mag is only half the picture, you have to be out to play a suppressive role to make use of it. I have a hunch that being less mobile might help you stay in that playstyle by reducing the temptation to rush in with the rest of the team. I was supressing a base that was being attacked by our team the other day, and supressing fire was really helping keep the defenders down and our team advancing. When most of our team had reached the base and were moving to CQB to clear it I judged victory and made the poor decision to move up. It wasn't more than a few minutes before the defenders were back firing from the points I'd been suppressing and we were all our way back to respawn.

      The site I play at most often only has one distinction for LMGs rules wise, which is permitting longer bursts not fired at specific targets. I usually feather the trigger anyway, so this doesn't do much for me.

      Another site sometimes has LMGs-only full auto rule for some games that have a mix of close and open spaces, with the caveat that LMG users can't enter the close spaces. The LMG shines here, and it's a lot of fun, but it can lead to confusion/rage (No Full Auto!).

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Gunman use only the LMGs can use full auto rule.  

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