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Advert Questions posted by Emergencychimps

  1. This is actually a good price if you want this specific brand/model. They do go on eBay for over £100 each since they've become restricted to purchase. 


    Good luck with the sale. 

  2. The question that's relevant is, is this the S1 by holy warrior or their latest version which is a true holographic? (that they haven't really announced but have listed on their Ali express site, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005995382646.html?algo_pvid=b45f6af3-1959-4ac5-8ac4-0584c35d739e&algo_exp_id=b45f6af3-1959-4ac5-8ac4-0584c35d739e-17&spm=a2g0n.store_m_allProduct.allProducts_6000118359838.1005005995382646)


    Btw. I'm not fussed, I'm not going to buy it either way. Just not a fan of people complaining about a (what could be) fairly priced item. If it's the S1, it's over priced. If it's the new version, it's very well priced.


    Good luck with the sale. 

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