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Everything posted by ElserDwyer

  1. This is an amazing thread and I've read almost every page (definitely need to reread some though). Just wished I kept up with this after November because I foolishly though the MWS mk18 would just be a great way to not have to buy a new rail and the works because it would be all convenient there in one package! So fast forward to now when I excitedly managed to get one and started catching up on things and now here I am realizing I made a boo boo. On the one plus side Alphabear shared the info on a tool for the barrel nut so that's on order but now comes the questions. Hopefully it wasn't already addressed and I foolishly glossed over it. 1. Is there something I can replace the barrel nut with after I manage to dislodge it or is it going to be the same process for inner barrel removal, minus the loctite? Granted it should be not as bad once the loctite is removed. Seems important because of basic maintenance. 2. And really more a cosmetic question, but am I crazy in thinking the DD rail is not nearly as tan/FDE/bronze as it should be? Mine is practically black. Any clue as to why that is? Looking forward to finally getting a chance to shoot it. Thanks!
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