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Cerbo Knight

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Everything posted by Cerbo Knight

  1. My mind was blown so hard that I had to go a step above facepalm, and facedesk. And then I looked again and I had to facedesk so hard that I don't have a desk anymore.
  2. Its like... they're glowing Maybe it's better than snot green, I don't know.
  3. Touché. He was leaning out of his window to see me though, not much I could've done about that unless I happen to have had some amazing cardboard box like contraption to shield me from onlooking eyes.
  4. Thanks Hubert And that's an advantage of living on a hill, with no-one behind you apart from a park, with my bedroom where I do most gun related things overlooking the valley where there is no chance of anyone looking in without a VERY powerful telescope or a ladder, and my back garden is pretty secluded as well! Hence my array of pictures Oh, and I have a farmer's field round the back of my house with plenty of space to get the most range out of my rifles as airsoftly possible I think it's pretty ideal to be quite honest.
  5. More than that, I want to know where you could drag a gun behind your car and not be met with 6 armed response cars I almost had that the other day, my neighbour two doors down thought my M700 with a suppressor on the end was a real gun, so he called the police! Bald sonnuva... I think he actually called the police, because even though no-one turned up I got a call from a PCO the next day What good would a PCO be if I had a real rifle?
  6. I am reading that right, aren't I?
  7. I don't have a 1911 anymore... I want one again. But thanks, I think polishing the slide and frame to help with smooth cycling added to the look For me, guns either have to be absolutely perfect or naturally weathered. If you have to artificially weather it, take out all the breakable bits, and chuck the thing onto the floor and kick it a bit
  8. Aaaand here I go again! Delivered pics of a KSC USP.45 with a metal slide as promised And now, my current favourite sidearm... My TM P226. It's got a metal kit, a 200% (or so I think) recoil spring, some real steel Pachmayr grips which make the gun mega mega chunky so I put the stock grips back on, 2 gas tight mags with hi flow valves, and a rocket valve... Not too bad, if I do say so myself £100 posted for almost two 226's Enjoy my slightly weathered P226 And now the USP and 226 side by side for S&G
  9. Sorry for the double post but I've finally gotten my hands on a nice metal slide and barrel! Nice guy drove all the way over from Berkshire Anyway, it's been pouring it down where I am (Hertfordshire) so I refuse to take pictures under unnatural light, especially when the others turned out as nice as they did... Look forward to a nice USP, coming to a post near you!
  10. Thanks Dev More on the way, of the new metal USP slide I'll be getting tomorrow @Cyrax I honestly have no idea, it's damn tough plastic but somehow the owner before the previous one managed to break it, then fix it so the previous owner didn't notice Don't ask me how that works, but that's the story I was told. Anyhow, I'll upload a picture of it fixed tomorrow
  11. It's the slide, it looks similar to the 226 That's what I think anyway.
  12. Thanks Photography is just a little thing on the side really, I only use it to take pictures of my guns now but I did take it as an AS level subject at the beginning of the year... Then dropped it because it was boring and my teacher hated me Though I would point out that it's a USP not a P226 My P226 hasn't arrived yet, but that's because I haven't finished paying for it lol. The Tan problem will be solved soon, might paint it OD. It's either that or black, I haven't quite decided yet.
  13. Pics of the M700 are here! Hurrah! It's definitely a long term project rifle, but externally I just need to touch up the worn areas a bit with some paint and then spray the bipod black instead of that nasty tan. Internally... It's a different story. I'll need a VSR hop rubber and barrel, some new rubber seals for the bolt and other such stuff. Then it'll be fine. Now... Here's the KSC USP.45 that I just bought. Not too impressed with it tbh, but the seller is a nice guy and is helping me out with getting a new slide so I can't really complain.. Makes me feel a bit bad about leaving him bad feedback tbh. Not the best condition really, but a new slide will soon fix that. When I finally find one that's in stock! Sorry for all those pics, just had a little bit of a photo spree here...
  14. Thanks It's an element zombie killer I think? Well it's a zombie killer at any rate. I don't like it though, the calibre markings say multi... Yes I'm that picky. If I could have it my way, I'd have every gun in England on it's way to me! I might take some pictures of my M700 soon, and then put the scope back onto my M14 because the hop in the M700 isn't working for s***
  15. My M14 as it was about 6 months ago My M14 about a month ago, it's basically the same as it is right now but right now it's got a real steel SA80 sling on it, which is unusually nice. The RIS was a bit wobbly back then so zip ties were the order of the day Now for the M4. This will be an L119A1 in the end, but just not right now... It's only got a MOE stock on it because two tone stocks don't sit well with me Taken the suppressor off because I think it was a bit cumbersome, and was just turning into another DMR... Oh and I don't use hicaps, I was just taking a picture with them because I had to sell them... Honest. I hate hicaps. They just get dumped on me when I buy new guns Don't have any pictures of my other guns that I have right now, but I can promise more will be on the way soon Now I just have to take pictures of my Scar, 416, USP (when it arrives), P226 (when it arrives), Scar No.2 (when it arrives), M40 (when it arrives), and my M700. I'd just like to say, some of the guns ITT are seriously awesome, and I'd love to have them all!
  16. I can't actually find the bit of the VCRA detailing the colours allowed... So for now, I don't know but until retailers stop selling blue weapons I'm okay with buying them, but of course I don't need to buy two tones ever again. Thank god for that.
  17. Fairly sure they come in a bright blue two tone option, which by most sites and indeed websites are considered two tones...
  18. If you're gifted a RIF/IF there can be no exchange of money or services involved, so that's to say you can't do a years worth of washing up if your Mum/Dad/Uncle who is UKARA registered buys you a RIF As long as there is no exchange of money or services, it's completely legal to gift an under 18 a RIF/IF and they can skirmish (as long as the site allows the individual) at most any site under guidance and permission of a parent or guardian. But as the general consensus goes, it's probably best to wait until you're a bit older to start playing because I know I've seen plenty of younger people who won't take hits/complain when they get killed/throw tantrums... The list unfortunately goes on, but it's mostly down to the individual and the decision of the adult gifting the RIF/IF, I suppose.
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