My M14 as it was about 6 months ago
My M14 about a month ago, it's basically the same as it is right now but right now it's got a real steel SA80 sling on it, which is unusually nice.
The RIS was a bit wobbly back then so zip ties were the order of the day
Now for the M4.
This will be an L119A1 in the end, but just not right now... It's only got a MOE stock on it because two tone stocks don't sit well with me
Taken the suppressor off because I think it was a bit cumbersome, and was just turning into another DMR...
Oh and I don't use hicaps, I was just taking a picture with them because I had to sell them... Honest. I hate hicaps. They just get dumped on me when I buy new guns
Don't have any pictures of my other guns that I have right now, but I can promise more will be on the way soon
Now I just have to take pictures of my Scar, 416, USP (when it arrives), P226 (when it arrives), Scar No.2 (when it arrives), M40 (when it arrives), and my M700.
I'd just like to say, some of the guns ITT are seriously awesome, and I'd love to have them all!