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Cerbo Knight

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Everything posted by Cerbo Knight

  1. That's why he should be studying instead of hanging around on an airsoft forum
  2. That's what I was going to go for Might do something similar with my M4 too. I don't know why, but I've always had a thing for M14's with EOtechs...
  3. The M40 can go anywhere between 800 and 200, dependant on weather and gas while the M14 and the Scar are running at around 330. Though I'm thinking about upping the M14 to 425 and locking it to semi
  4. Eurgh, I'm not happy at all with the paintjob on your 416 but if you like it I guess I can't complain too much...
  5. Thanks, I'm not too keen on the Scar's paint job either but I'll soon fix that with some OD and black :] The M14 is my first AEG, and I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. Maybe. Though the WE M14's look incredible.
  6. Cheers They're 50mm butler creeks (real ones) Though if anyone is selling an aimpoint with a cantilever mount please let me know, my scar is in need of one!
  7. Ok so it's been a while since I've posted any of my rifles so it's time for an update (I apologize for the bad image quality, it's because I took pictures inside.... stupid crappy weather) Here's my M40, with a nice new paintjob to cover up the old shiny coat and it's also got a real steel harris on it. I've got some G&P railed QD scope rings on the way for this, so I might take another picture to show them off soon. My M14's also had an update, it's gotten a gemtech suppressor with a muzzle break style flash hider, and a 553 EOtech. Not sure whether I like the suppressor or the standard M14 flash hider better yet. I still need to find a rail cover for the other side that doesn't wobble Now for my newest addition, a VFC Scar-L! Picked it up from a friend at my local site for £150. What a result The paintjob isn't really to my taste, and the buttpad is missing but it came with 3 mags (important for me because I sold all ofmy AEG M4 mags!) and an intellect battery so I'd say it's a good deal. I've also got another TM P226 on the way to fix my current one, and a WA Marsoc 1911 just 'cos. And I'll finish by saying there are some mighty fine rifles in this thread
  8. Gearbox work is one of the many things I'm capable of I also have a 7.4 stock tube lipo that's not getting used if anyone's in need of it...
  9. If you look at Finius' M4's, the CA M4 has a Old school stock, and the 'Other' M4 has an LE stock. Lipo in the stock tube! It's the way forward imo, handguard batteries just annoy me :/
  10. I think he means Gary Gordon and yeah, I do want a CAR-15 stock
  11. No no, it's hideous. That's why you should trade it with mine
  12. I'll trade you my LE stock for it, then you have a stock to sell with that gun
  13. Finius, if you're looking to pass on that stock on the CA M4 I'd be happy to take it off of your hands Other than that, you've got some nice guns
  14. Shame you couldn't hold it though @Marksman I'm hoping to see your M4 through its many many inevitably complicated stages @Liam I personally would have some low rings on that scope, then it'd just finish it for me. And since when was black ever a problem?! Anyway, here's pictures of my two newest rifles That was a Craft Apple Works M24, now for my AGM M4 (long term project)
  15. Take the slide off and it's the only wheel you see Clockwise is less hop, counter clockwise is more
  16. Very nice I think I still prefer the slight wear on mine though
  17. I'm happy with what I've got now, but doesn't mean I don't want more So rude Marksman!
  18. Hmm. That actually looks pretty nice. I'm going to end up with about 12 different loadouts at the end of this summer...
  19. Pssh. OD is the way forward Any suggestions on camo though? I can't stand multicam but I want something that will stand out a bit more than DPM. It needs to go with an OD RAV too Edit: See? Finius has the right idea with OD
  20. LOL. Yaay I got sigged And I need a RAV in OD
  21. Oh god I completely forgot about tac gear O.o F***. And it's got to be long and black
  22. My list currently consists of; 1 G&P storm grip, for L119A1 build. 1 G&P C8/Blank metal receiver for engraving L119A1 trademarks on to later. 1 G&P/ Other make Car15 stock + buffer tube (Yes I know it's just a standard buffer tube, but my current one is gone to Finius. ) 1 Gearbox, of parts I will choose myself. 1 Two piece hop up, because that means a slightly more realistic takedown. 1 G&P TA01 Magnified ACOG, or ACOG with doctor sight. 5 KAC Rail covers. 1 Army Code L119A1 front sight (If I can even find one, I doubt it. They're rare as hell.) 1 Pro Arms/Perr Mike L119A1 Barrel 10 Mags, possibly Mag brand although could be E-Mags. 1 Correct L119A1 flash Hider. 1 Prometheus M14 hop up bucking 1 Prometheus M14 barrel. Maybe a new motor. 1 Air nozzle with O-ring for M14. Parts to make 3 AB mosfets. 1 G&G powerbolt for Tanaka M700 series. 5 G&G powerpacks for Tanaka M700 series. 2 VSR 555mm+ barrels Most likely to be Laylax/Prometheus or similar. Deepfire is an option... 3 KA M1/M3 Leupold replicas. 1 GBBR M4, not decided on make/upgrades or parts for it just yet. 1 SPR. 1 Magpul MIAD grip /Black. 1 Harris style Bipod. 1 KA M3 Leupold replica. 1 G&P QD RIS Scope ring set. 1 Doctor sight. Oh yeah, that's A LOT of money to be spent and earnt. If I can even find half the things on that list in stock, I'll be so damn happy. F*** browsing forums to find out it's going to take 6 weeks for it to get to me. EDIT: How could I forget my dream 416 project? VFC 416D 10.5" barrel, preferably rear wired already. 1 Magpul MOE/CTR stock /Black. 1 Madbull gemtech G5 QD Suppressor. 1 set of Magpul MBUS /Black Done
  23. Avoid the Kart is all I can say, but you probably knew that already The G&G is the best in terms of internal build quality, the design is inherently stronger than the TM. My shopping list... Is too long. xD I think it's going to end up close to £2000. Probably.
  24. There's no burst fire to be seen there I'd say it's a TM or an ICS, at a guess.
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