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Cerbo Knight

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Everything posted by Cerbo Knight

  1. I agree with Marksman Just because you spent more money on a gun, doesn't mean it will outperform all other weapons. Also, sorry but I disagree. I don't think anyone has the right to be obnoxious... I could have bought a PTW if I didn't buy all of my other rifles too, but that would leave me with a single M4 that wouldn't actually have the performance I can get out of another AEG. With the PTW hop unit, you can't use the flat hop mod with it, which produces 200ft+ shots with 330FPS, already proved. The PTW has little to no potential for anything new
  2. That's what I was thinking, but it might have to wait a few months until I've finished my current projects and loadouts. Or I'll just half do things and this time next year I'll still be doing my UKSF loadout...
  3. Well, M14's have a special place in my heart.... I always bring it to skirmishes even if I don't end up using it. It was my first proper AEG anyway
  4. I'd wager I could get an AEG to perform much better than a PTW because I wouldn't be afraid to open it up and do some actual work on it, instead of sending it off to tack. Not saying anyone who owns a PTW is doing it wrong, but it's not the way I like to do it. And yes GBBRs have won my heart. My VFC scar, just bought it so it should be my new favourite toy.... just sits in the corner
  5. Oh my god. I just checked the prices for a black PTW cylinder! £145. That is ridiculous, I bought a complete steel bolt with NPAS from RA tech and that was only £55. (Admittedly it was their cheaper bolt, but it's still a complete bolt. I'm wasn't ready to pay £160 for a CNC steel version...) Why the hell are PTWs so expensive? I know they're nice an all, but are they worth THAT much?
  6. I can do the same too But GBBR bolts are probably slightly more expensive than PTW cylinders :/ Edit: though I don't have to change bolts, I could adjust the FPS with an NPAS but it makes the upper swap slower
  7. I'm thinking of doing something like that with my GBBR, having a 16 or 20" barrel setup on one upper and a 14.5" on another so I can change in less than a minute. Maybe have a bolt for each upper too, so I don't have to re-adjust my NPAS to get DMR power levels
  8. Personally I don't think it's the magpul I dislike, it's the Tan/black mix. It's too contrasting to be of any use IMO
  9. Just added the wood grips I got from Jeandup to mine, not sure if it suits a modern 1911 so I think I might have to buy a WW2 one... Marksman beat me to it
  10. Lol, it was only £180! And the 1911 was only £140.... Okay so I've only spent about £500 on airsoft this month... I'd go with the banker option. Edit: And I've still not stopped spending... I'm either going to run out of money or space to store my stuff.
  11. Not just guns either I just bought a fully loaded RAV for my ongoing UKSF loadout!
  12. I prefer single shot But here's the newest arrival, and not even a day of owning her I'm already going to be buying a metal kit... If you look really closely at the first picture, you'll see why I'm getting a metal kit - the mag catch area has started to wear down
  13. Do you mean "if you got a" If it looked nice I would say so, I like support guns but they don't really suit my style of play or the games I usually do. In other news my WA 1911 arrived and it's sexy as hell! Pics to follow shortly
  14. Realised that after I looked at his sig.... derp moment Still, it's nice.
  15. Oooh. That's nice. Not so sure about the acog, but meh. Is it the Ares?
  16. Nope, still nothing. I don't think that tan or brown belong on an L96 and obviously the internet doesn't either
  17. White camo? And yeah, painting the whole barrel would be a better idea
  18. Yeah, forgot to mention that with spray paints that aren't krylon you'll need to sand the surfaces first.
  19. Krylon. That's pretty much it. I don't do anything to my rifles apart from rub them down with a lint free soft cloth - to make sure there's no loose particles. I think they come out pretty well. Oh and there's the biggest tip. Patience. That goes miles.
  20. Seconded, OD L96's are the only way to go. OD rifles look good in general
  21. There's just so many distracting sites around... Too little self control.. can't stop.... airsoft...
  22. Same, my A levels aren't going to finish themselves
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