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Everything posted by Bert918

  1. Yes still had some bits and pieces, and my guns, over the last few months have got everything I need to get started again. Just need this lockdown to be lifted now. Due to having so much time on my hands I learned a lot getting my old AUG running sweet, so going to be looking for a project gun., enjoy the tech side of it as well.
  2. Hello gamble, hopefully not long now till we can all play again, I've got a battle belt and some dpm so all good to go when this is all lifted
  3. Hi Mik, dam hippies, I'm afraid my flowing locks of hair disappeared a long time ago :-),
  4. Hello all, hope you're all getting through this lockdown ok. Thought I would say hello, used to play a few years back at section8 but due to job loss stopped. Once this lockdown is over defiantly getting back into it. Bit of an old one (59) but still up for a laugh, was looking for something to do during this lockdown and pulled the guns I have out of the cupboard and from there decided to try it again, now I can't wait. One good thing, due to this lockdown I had plenty of time to tinker with my old CA AUG and finally managed to get it to shoot more than two bb's in a row, got it to the point it might actually be able to use in a skirmish. Also upgraded my G&G, didn't really need it but I was bored.
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