I'm back after my post almost 5 months ago when I said I'd be buying a TM MWS... well I got one, finally managed to use it on the field, love it, range isn't what I expected running .28s on green gas and I hated only carrying 175 rounds in woodlands so only used it for 1 game, probably going to stick to using it indoors only, also managed to pick up a Magul MOE stock clone at a car boot sale for £2 which means I don't need the ugly OEM one anymore so that's a good start!
I'm looking to change the handguard, the front post upsets me, I did look through the first 15 pages of this thread and some of the more recent ones but couldn't really see what I was looking for, I gather I need an adapter of sorts? Tbh, I'm happy with the current rail length, a bit longer would be good, full picatinny is the dream and preferably black, trademarks don't interest me so I'm not looking for a £90 rail, anyone have a link to all the stuff I'd need or even just the names or products that work together?
Side note, why are rear sling mounts so expensive..?