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  1. Same!!! I’d imagine they do if they’re putting this much into. Let’s hope it’s here to stay
  2. Who else has been keeping an eye on the driver wood Facebook page? The upgrades and money he’s ploughing into the site look ridiculous! Lights, sound system on top of a really nice looking safe zone and plenty of perks there. Got first night game (love a midweek game as I have to work a lot of weekends) and a Sunday coming up soon. Anyone make the night game last week? Really excited to check it out for the first time.
  3. Thanks everyone I’m going to have a look at those e&l also
  4. Thanks for your input everyone. Tbh, if they’ve fixed the QC issues that were floating around with Specna edge I’m pretty confident to take the plunge. It seems like a lot of other stuff around that price range doesn’t offer anywhere near as much, and I’m happy to change an inner barrel and bucking, nub etc.
  5. Yeah totally fair enough, tbf I’ve changed a hop up rubber and an inner barrel before so I’m not afraid to try that, I’m just not looking to get involved in changing a gearbox or anything. Thanks for the heads up on the ares there. Any suggestions on an alternative? Thanks
  6. Ok thanks. I’m a little wary of second hand and would quite like to treat meself to something brand new for once, but I will keep an eye out for that model on resales just in case
  7. Hi everyone, I’ve been playing for about 6 months now and later in the year I’m looking to upgrade to a more advanced aeg. I’ve been looking at the specna edge 2.0 series which on paper sound amazing especially for the price, but apparently QC has dropped. I’ve also been looking at an ares honey badger as an alternative, but it appears to not offer as many features as the specna and shoots lower FPS I’m wondering if anyone can give me some thoughts on the comparison of the above two, or some other recommendations. I’m looking for an M4 platform with decent range for woodland sites, I’m not a tinkerer really nor do I want to shell out money and time after with immediately having to upgrade parts to make it decent. Budget probably about £250-300 for the aeg itself. Not tied to any particular brands just looking for good quality and decent usability right out of the box, with good range, if that’s do-able in this price bracket.
  8. I read somewhere that the cm16 barrel nuts are a non standard size and I’d need a replacement for that too when installing the new barrel as the delta ring on the cm16 is too small for most m4 outer barrel kits - is that the case?
  9. Cheers mate, oh don’t worry I am a newb hence all my questions 😂! I’m still undecided on if I’ll change the inner barrel, but take on board what you say about barrel length. Tbh the current barrel is already quite long so I wouldn’t want to add more to it!
  10. Yep didn’t have any loctite, meant to get some and slipped my mind. Kicking myself now but what’s done is done. Ok, I’ll buy that tool and have a crack on it. I’ll measure up the handrail and buy an appropriately sized outer barrel. Thanks
  11. Cheeky bump!!! Played my first game baxk today, and realised walking back after final game both outer barrel pieces had fallen off and are lost in the forest anyone got a recommended outer barrel kit for this model? While I’m at it I think I’m going to change the inner too, but on the off chance I don’t - I can just slide a new outer barrel over the existing inner right? ps again If anyone has an inner barrel recco That would be great. Heard ZCI are worth a look? thanks in advance - what a mission with this barrel!
  12. I’m curious about permitted numbers even after the 12th. The guidance on visitor economy says “You should not take bookings for a greater number of people than is permitted, or allow such groups to enter. You should also ensure that customers are aware of the rules on gathering limits and what this means in your facility” does anyone know what the upper limit is for number of people attending? I can’t seem to find this.
  13. @Speedbird_666 followed your instructions and got this sorted yesterday. Barrel now securely in place! Thanks for your help
  14. Ok, thanks very much. A million questions I know, appreciate the help everyone.
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