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Profile Information

  • Guns
    g&g SA80 A2 moded, Dboys gold AK 74u, WE Dragon 7 hi capa with red dot, KWA CO2 Lugar
  • Loadouts
    Armoured carrier with a black skull-mask, police style helmet and black tracksuit normaly
  • Sites
    The kill house Gillingham, Apocalypse in Sittingbourn, Tactical airsoft Croydon & Dunker 51 London
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    I am a commission illustrator by trade and hobby, airsoft of course and strongman ( good excuse to work out and still be fat )

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  1. Been working on some project guns before I go back out on the fields about mid march! The mcx looking thing is almost fully 3d printed in carbon PLA and carbon PETG with a cyma plat gearbox :D


    the BAR was a dead gun or got cheap and fixed for about £30 maybe £40 with a mosfet.


    The mp5 is a cyma blue edition with a cheap mosfet and swordfish kit (it’s honestly a brick).


    The pulse rifle is mostly stock. 

    mp9 is stock with a fun body kit on it printed in carbon PLA, 


    the big l85 is my hog in a wig. My first high end gun it’s a first gen G&G l85 a2 with a merf mosfet 


    the l22 is my piglet in makeup! That has short stroked gears and the perun etu++ mosfet. It’s my speed soft gun for lols. 

    the ghk has the air tac hpa kit with a printed handguard and a frostbite tracer. I put a harder sprint in it to up the recoil. 

    the AK is a cheap boy cyma with a high torque motor and the SRU kit :D I broke it already but the break was easy to fix.


    and that’s it till my next update.


    all the files I got from cults3d




    here are a couple of examples :)









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