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WTB Mr Blonde

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Posts posted by WTB Mr Blonde

  1. On 06/05/2020 at 12:13, Jimbodini42 said:

    Have you had a stock DMR other than RAPPAX? If so,  How does it compare as stock to others? Just wondering if your not as good as would like opinion is based on other dmrs or what hoped with first DMR if that makes sense? 
    I fancy a DMR but fully reckon the prospect of multiple accurate shots from distance won’t be quite as good in reality anyway so am cautious 

    I've had a second hand DMR previously and I didn't get on with it but I think perhaps I didn't give it enough of a chance. I'm basing my expectations off of the performance of my usual 350fps AEGs. I just feel the left right deviation and distance don't match the specs of the gun. I've read a review that said the hop unit wasn't good enough for the power so I planned to upgrade that anyway when I bought it but I don't know what would fit it.

  2. I have one myself and it's stock internals currently using 0.4's and performance is good but not as good as I'd like. Deviation left to right is generally unacceptable and range could be better. I'm not sure what hop unit could go in these as I feel that is the weak link. I also plan to upgrade the barrel and probably R-hop it.

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