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  1. That’s a nice gun and pistol, I just have a m4 not sure what make as I bought it a few years ago paid £140 so not to bad off one and I also have a mp5 A5 sportsline for the cqb games I decided on buying that instead of a pistol
  2. Lol don’t think it’s safe with the mrs dropping me off being that close to MK 😂 would cost me a fortune
  3. Alright mate sounds good do you go with friends or just on your own ? I’m quite new to airsoft I have my own gun probs not the best of guns but you know 😂 what gun/gear you got mate ? a little bit further for me about a hour drive but a good price at £25 so might be worth the extra petrol
  4. I think I must have been looking at the night games for £15 walk on then 😂 lucky I bought a reusable grenade then, and yeah being 4 routes there shouldn’t be as much waiting to go into a room, I’m not sure if I’m going to be going on my own or with some one yet not sure how reliable the person I’m going with is 😂
  5. Just realised that I might have been looking at the night games that were £15 for walk on is it the same price for the day games ?
  6. Yeah I have heard good things about the Dunstable one, Is there a lot of waiting to go through a door because you have 5 people on your team in front of you or is it quite big inside so you can go different routes etc? Only thing with reforger is double the price of outpost i think, trying to get my ukara at the cheaper place so I’m not stuck paying £30 a game before I can move on some where els.
  7. That’s really not that far from me about 20-30 minute drive,About the same as the Dunstable one if not abit closer, I have my own gun (two tone) only played a few games and not with my own gun yet because of lockdown but looking to get my ukara at one site first then be going here there and every where hopefully, the old school sounds like a great place to have a airsoft battle might have to check that out. thanks for your reply dont Really know a lot of people that play airsoft so really helps out getting abit of info of here
  8. Hi guys was just wondering if there was anyone that plays around these areas, going to be going to sentinel outpost Dunstable after the lockdown, if there’s anyone who plays there regular, or if you play at a different site in those areas let me know
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