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  1. RyanK


    With these guns probably not, he is getting an m80 from just bb guns but I personally dont like the standard looking m4/m16s and like the more abstract looking gun which is why I like the AUG and g36. I found on that website another gun this time with a metal gearbox: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/-Both-El...fle-BB-Gun.html Would I be better going for that or the AUG? Im more tempted by the g36 but im just worried the scope wont be great.
  2. RyanK


    private, they are on his farm, so would that BE aug do?
  3. RyanK


    why not? im hoping to buy this https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Both-Ele...le.html#reviews, can anyone reccomend that? £130 is my budget so can you maybe reccomend me a starting AEG then , preferably not an m4/16 and I am only using it for skirmishes in the woods near my firneds house
  4. Can anyone reccomend them as I am looking to buy a full-auto AUG from them
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