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Everything posted by tinkle60

  1. Questions containing the word 'best' should never be asked without context/requirements/statement of purpose. Understand that as with many things in life you are going to be looking at a balance between different aspects of performance (reliability, power, rof etc), price and functions/features If you've been told different things, it's because everyone has their own expectations and needs. They probably also use them in different ways. If you've asked them all the same unqualified question you have, then expect a variety of answers, just like you have received in this thread. I'm sure you will get some much better advice and guidance if you did a bit more research and thinking about what you want from a gun, but yes going to a store to have a look and feel at a variety is a very good start.
  2. I've seen people just tape over them. Personally, I don't worry about it and just spray over everything.
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