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Everything posted by martinius96


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    I am offering for sale RFID Domination Timer (DOMINATOR) 2.0. Fully assembled device. It is a stopwatch in the style of a chess clock, which counts the time for which the active team has been on the point. Suitable for a game with 4 teams, can be modified for only 2 teams. Each team player is equipped with an RFID card or an RFID bracelet. RED, GRE, BLU and ORA (Red, Green, Blue and Orange Team) teams are integrated into the game. After attaching the tag to the reader, the player occupies the point and tries to keep it for as long as possible. After casting, time is added to the given team up to a maximum resolution of 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. When a team is active on a point, its LED with its affiliation color is also lit. In addition to a member of the other team, the time counter can also be interrupted by the Referee with his card - he pauses the current time until the moment when the card is re-applied to a member of one of the teams, or the Eraser, which also resets all times. I deliver together with 30 RFID cards, while 7 cards are reserved for each team, one each for the Referee and the Eraser. I will send by post prepaid second class. It is possible to use only 2 teams in firmware so 14 cards per each team. The PCB is fitted with all components. The reader, microcontroller, and display can be replaced in the event of a malfunction by simply pulling it out of the pin strip without the need for soldering. Can be powered via a power bank. Power supply via a 9V battery possible after connecting to certain pins (soldering required). The PCB contains 6 mounting holes for the possibility of mounting the DOMINATOR on the wall or in wood. 4 of them use the display, can be replaced with a threaded rod. The device is neither waterproof nor waterproof. Must be operated indoors. The enclosure for the DOMINATOR is not designed. I also supply the .hex file for the microcontroller, so you can upload to the new microcontroller once you change it, but you can also copy it to more devices. So you can create multiple RFID Domination Timers around your Airsoft playground. Each of them will react on the same RFID cards. Firmware is compatible with Arduino Uno, Nano or standalone ATmega328P chip with external 16 MHz oscillator only). I am not sending PCB design, only available for firmware if bought separately. There is a cut-out in the back of the DOMINATOR through which you can access the potentiometer of the display and control its contrast. It is especially useful if the DOMINATOR is operated in the winter or, conversely, in the heat. It is always necessary to make a contrast correction at a given temperature, otherwise the display is unreadable (you will know that state if it is required.). The number of cards and bracelets in the system can be increased in the future, while I will have to create the firmware that will support them. There, the price is already individual. Domination Timer supports RFID cards and wristbands of the ISO/IEC 14443-A standard (MiFare 1K), which work at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. Price does include post fees.


    - SK


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    I offer SOFTWARE for Arduino stopwatches with a second counter for Airsoft, Paintball game - Capture Point game mode. Project description: Domination Timer is a device - a stopwatch for sports such as Airsoft, Paintball, which allow you to measure the time of occupying a point with a resolution of seconds. The stopwatch is equipped with a 16x2 / 20x4 LCD character display. After switching on the device, it is possible to switch between menu items on the display using the rotary encoder - KY-040. Through the items, it is possible to start the Domination Timer game mode, which responds to user buttons (inputs), or it is possible to set the time of team occupancy before the game in the configurable mode. This parameter represents the required length of holding the button until the team successfully occupies the point. This configurable parameter is implemented for the number of seconds. The second configurable parameter is the automatic end of the game to reach a certain number of hours of the stopwatch with the UNLIMITED option - when the stopwatch counts to infinity, or after the maximum display time on the display - 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Stopwatch is using Arduino microcontroller (with AtMega chip) or a it can use that chip stadalone. Chip controls whole Domination Timer settings, logic of stopwatch etc. There are 2 teams in the game - RED team and GRE team, which play against each other and occupy the imaginary point that is formed by this device - Domination Timer. At the beginning of the game, the display shows the times 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds for RED team, GRE team. Button Domination Timer uses button input for the action of occupying a point by a team member, as well as for input of a referee entity. Thus, a total of 2 buttons for 3 system entities, the switching buttons connected in the INPUT_PULLUP mode are used. Pressing the button feeds the GND signal to the Arduino digital input terminal (Active-LOW switching signal). Switch buttons are used, not switch buttons (they would not react to the system logic, all software would always be "pressed"). The configurable Domination Timer responds to the length of the press, which is set in the configuration menu via an encoder. It is required to hold the button for a given time. The system does not respond to short presses. In the extended version, it is also possible to set point neutralization (stopping the time of the active team at the point if a member of the other team holds the button at least 50% of the required time) The times are displayed on an LCD character display measuring 16x2 or 20x4, which communicates with the control microcontroller via the I2C bus. If a team member of the RED team occupies a point by pressing a button, a buzzer is launched, which announces a change in the point with a short beep. Then the RED team's LED at this station will light up and the display will start adding time for that team. If the point is occupied by the GRE team and the team member presses the appropriate button, the buzzer sounds again, the GRE team LED lights up, the RED time is paused and the time of the GRE team that occupied the point is counted. The referee must stop both buttons at the same time to stop both times. Times are stopped until the point is reoccupied by some of the teams in the system This type of input is thus suitable for starting a break, but it can also end the game for its evaluation. In the case of the COUNTDOWN game mode, the combination of both buttons is intended to stop the countdown time! The new game is implemented by resetting the entire Arduino board via the RST button, or by disconnecting and reconnecting the power supply. In the menu it is also possible to configure the activity / inactivity of the buzzer, which can also be included in the game. Domination Timer game mode uses a buzzer to announce the current occupation of a point. Eraser does not exist in this type of Domination Timer. A second game can be implemented in the system - countdown, which allows you to set a minute countdown while it must be stopped. The player stops the countdown by holding both buttons for a certain time (based on the configuration menu for the length of pressing from Domination Timer). Configuration menu is divided into: Start of the game DOMINATOR (2 teams) Setting the time for filling a point (how long the player should hold the button - X seconds) Set maximum game length (unlimited / X hours) ON / OFF detector in the game Countdown setting for countdown game (X hours) Start of game COUNTDOWN (1 team) All times and settings are stored in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino, they are available even after disconnecting and connecting the power supply, it is a non-volatile memory. The transcription limit is at the level of 100 thousand. The display is limited to a maximum of 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. The 16x2 and 20x4 LCD display is fully compatible. Hardware inventory: Arduino Uno / Nano / standalone AVR chip AtMega328P LCD character display 16x2 / 20x4 I2C converter for LCD display 2x buttons (switch) 360 ° rotary encoder - e.g. KY-040 (or similar) 2x LEDs Optional - buzzer I offer the program in .hex machine code (compiled firmware), so you can't edit or change anything of webapp. The project can be tested in advance in a test version with a measurement of max. 1 minute for each team. The program in .hex can be uploaded to Arduino via the AVRDUDE tool, or Xloader, which has a graphical interface for easier control. Firmware is available for I2C communication address of LCD display 0x27 or 0x3F. More about project: https://martinius96.github.io/Airsoft-DOMINATOR-RFID/en/dominator-encoder.html Alternative contact: [email protected] Shareware version of project: Project can be tested for free in shareware version that i available on project website. It have some limitations, like... Maximum game time 1 minute in DOMINATION game mode. After this time both times will be paused. Also there is not possible to use COUNTDOWN game mode. If you don't have hardware yet, you can try it in Wokwi simulator: https://wokwi.com/projects/345627939761554003


    Poprad, Slovakia - SK


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    Project description: Button Domination Timer (DOMINATOR) is a device - stopwatch for sports such as Airsoft, Paintball. The stopwatch uses an Arduino control microcontroller (Arduino Uno / Nano) or a separate chip (Atmel) ATmega328P, which controls the entire system logic. The stopwatch includes an LCD character display measuring 16x2 (16 characters x 2 lines), or 20x4, on which the times of individual teams are displayed. There are 2 teams in the game - RED team and GRE team that play against each other and occupy the imaginary point that is formed by this device - DOMINATOR. At the beginning of the game, the display shows the times 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds for RED team , GRE team . Button Domination Timer uses button input for the action of occupying a point by a team member, as well as for input of a referee and eraser entity. Thus, a total of 4 buttons for 4 system entities. Buttons are connected in INPUT_PULLUP mode. Pressing the button feeds the GND signal to the Arduino digital input terminal (Active-LOW switching signal). In the basic version, Domination Timer responds immediately to a press - the time counting for a given team is activated (the length of the press, the number of presses, etc. are not verified ...). The times are displayed on an LCD character display measuring 16x2 or 20x4, which communicates with the control microcontroller via the I2C bus. If a team member of the RED team occupies a point by pressing a button, a buzzer is triggered, which announces a change in the point with a short beep. Then the RED team's LED at this station will light up and the display will start adding time for that team. If the point is occupied by the GRE team and a team member presses the appropriate button, the buzzer sounds again, the GRE team LED lights up, the RED team time is paused and the GRE team time is calculated, which point he occupied. If the organizer (referee) presses his button, both times are paused until a member of one of the teams makes user input. This type of input is thus suitable for starting a break, but can also end the game for evaluation. Button Domination Timer has a fourth button for the eraser entity, which pauses and resets both times to initial values as after starting the Button Domination Timer stopwatch. Used to restart the game, initialize a new game. The project is suitable for Airsoft events, sports facilities, or Airsoft teams, which can build the equipment. The advantage of the Button Domination Timer system is that it can be cloned and create X points with the same configuration via machine code, which can be loaded into an unlimited number of Arduino boards and chips and guarantees identical application operation. Players can thus score more points in the game, while at the end of the game the time is added up as long as which point was occupied by which team. There isn't available PCB design for that project. The principle of functionality of the Button Domination Timer project on the hardware side: Buttons are connected in INPUT_PULLUP mode, they use an internal 20 kΩ PULLUP resistor, which holds the logic level HIGH on the digital input. When the button is pressed, the LOW signal is fed to the digital input. Based on the button type and the firmware version used, the Arduino can verify the button hold length, while the counter logic is executed independently (the counter is active while the button is held). When the condition of the change at the point is met, the Arduino triggers a buzz, applying digital states to the LEDs. System logic is executed every 1000 ms - 1 Hz routine (timed via the millis() function, i.e. via Timer 0), regardless of the state of the digital inputs. In this routine, an active team check is performed, followed by time. Time is dynamically plotted on a 20x4 or 16x2 LCD character display. Display communicates with the Arduino via an I2C bus with a clock signal (SCL) of 100 kHz - Standard Speed. Rewriting of the display thus takes up to approx. 15 ms, while only the line of the given team that is active at the point is overwritten. With serious interest, the firmware for DOMINATOR can be extended to 3 or 4 teams. Delivery of firmware of Button Domination Timer: Software is delivered in machine code (.hex) at your mail for the ATmega328P architecture. It's compatible for Arduino Uno or Nano boards, or you can use standalone ATmega328P chip. Machine code cannot be modified on your side. I have two versions of firmware, one is for button press, other is for button hold for action. Button hold is limited to 5 seconds, it can't be modified on your side. I send both versions of firmware to each customer. Firmware (.hex file) can be uploaded to microcontroller via Xloader: https://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/arduino-xloader Or more experienced users can use AVRDUDE via console. For Arduino boards use 115200 baud/s upload speed. For Arduino Nano V3.0 clone use 57600 baud/s (Old Bootloader), otherwise firmware will be not uploaded. Maximum time range that Button Domination Timer will show on display: 99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds Power consumption: approx. 20mAh with 5V power supply. Convenient to power via power bank, charger from a phone with USB output. Shareware firmware Project can be tested for free with your hardware before buy or payment. There is available firmware on project's website. Firmware let to use project will all 4 entities (RED, GRE teams, Referee, Eraser), there is limitation of measured time up to 15 seconds for each team. It is mainly used to test whole compatibility of firmware with your hardware. In test version you can't test version of firmware with button hold (5 seconds of button hold to do change on point). Buttons in shareware version reacts immediately on press. Full project (paid) is available without time limitation, max visualised time: 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Firmware have implemented AUTO-I2C, so you can use any I2C LCD character display, it will automatically detect it. Also if you don't have hardware right now, you can try Shareware firmware of Button Domination Timer directly in Wokwi simulator for free: https://wokwi.com/projects/333897447732413011 Project website (available firmware, schematics, etc...): https://martinius96.github.io/Airsoft-DOMINATOR-RFID/en/button-dominator.html Hardware for the project - Button Domination Timer: Arduino Uno / Nano / standalone ATmega328P chip LCD character display 20x4 / 16x2 I2C converter for LCD display Passive buzzer (optional) 2x LED diodes 2x resistors (1x 220ohm for GREEN LED, 1x 1kohm for RED LED) 2x pullup resistors (optional for I2C bus) 4x pushbutton (connected in INPUT_PULLUP mode of operation using internal resistors)




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    I offer firmware for RFID Domination Timer project that is based on AVR ATmega328P chip (Arduino) architecture. In price is included machine code .hex for that architecture for your RFID cards that you have provided via Google Spreadsheet teamplate. Also there is included .lppz archive for PCB manufacturing with drilling, layers inforamtions etc. I don't offer source code in .ino format or hardware with PCB. Project description: Domination timer (DOMINATOR) is a stopwatch device designed for 2 teams (scalable up to 4 teams) that play against each other and try to occupy the point and keep it for as long as possible. The stopwatch is suitable for Airsoft / Paintball game mode DOMINATION, resp. Capture Hill. They consist of an ATmega328P microcontroller (AVR), which can be part of the Arduino development kit (Uno / Nano / Pro Mini). An LCD character display (size 16x2 or 20x4) is used to visualize the times. The times are listed in two lines below each other and are dynamically updated if there is an active team at the point (a point occupied by a team). The stopwatch is equipped with indicator LEDs in team colors, which signal the active team at the point and a detector (piezo transducer), which announces the change at the point after attaching the RFID card. Teams are implemented in the game - RED team and GRE team who play against each other and try to occupy the point and then keep it for as long as possible. At the beginning of the game, the display shows the times 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds for RED team , GRE team . Each team member is equipped with an RFID chip that is integrated into the bracelet (or card / keychain). The RFID chip transmits its unique identifier - UID (unique ID), which is read by an RFID reader and verified in the logic of the system to which the entity (team) belongs. Individual bracelets can be color-coded (red, green by team and entity function), which allows them to be distributed more quickly to players, but also archived and stored by color. The RED team will occupy the point when the RED team member attaches his card to the RFID reader. This action triggers a buzzer that announces the change of point with a short beep. Subsequently, the LED of the RED team at this station will light up and the display will start adding the time for this team until the member's team card is inserted, Referee , or Eraser. If the point is occupied by a GRE player and the card is attached to an RFID reader, the buzzer will announce this change with a short beep, the GRE LED will light up (RED LED turns off), RED's current time stops , and GRE's time is scored. If the Referee attaches his RFID card, the running time will stop at the current value. The point becomes neutral, the active team's LED goes out. The stoppage lasts until a member of the RED team or the GRE team presents their card. This type of card is thus suitable for temporarily stopping an ongoing game, controlling a player's intervention, or injuries. At the same time, the card can be used at the end of a round of the game, to evaluate the round, respawn teams before continuing. If Eraser attaches the card, both times will stop and reset to the initial value of 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds, which will be displayed. The Eraser card is used to restart the game, to initialize a new game without the need for a power-on cycle. The RFID reader responds to the insertion of an RFID card immediately, including the entire logic of the Dominator project. The project is suitable for Airsoft events, sports facilities, or Airsoft teams, which can build a Dominator device with their own hardware. Firmware is universal for Arduino Nano / Uno or standalone ATmega328P chip, it is also possible to use the available PCB design for the production of printed circuit boards (PCB using Arduino Nano only!). The advantage of the RFID Domination timer project is that the usage license authorizes the user to clone and create X points with the same configuration via machine code. Machine code (.hex) is a compiled firmware format for the RFID Dominator project for supplied UID RFID cards that are embedded in the code before compilation. It is thus possible to place any number of independently operating RFID Domination timer points in the game, which respond to identical RFID cards according to a uniform configuration. The RFID Dominator system is programmed well, it exist from 2018 year, it can be put into the game immediately. Firmware uploads within 10 seconds via XLoader (recommended software). How RFID Domination Timer works (hardware side): NXP RC522 RFID reader communicates with the microcontroller (Arduino / stand-alone chip ATmega328P) via the SPI bus with a clock signal (SCLK) of 4 MHz. The RC522 reader responds to the RFID chip at a distance of approximately 3 cm from the antenna, while having a configurable antenna gain in the range of 18 to 48 dB (48 dB is used in the final application for DOMINATOR). Reads the UID (identifier) of RFID chips in range, forwards this identifier to Arduino. Arduino compares the read address of the card in a multi-condition, triggers a buzzer beep, applies digital states to the LEDs, runs a universal counter controlled by the internal function millis(), which is responsible for counting both times. Based on the fulfilled condition, the counter starts to be applied to the given team to which the UID belongs and the time counter is running. The time is plotted on a 16x2 or 20x4 LCD character display. The time data is sent via the I2C bus with a clock signal (SCL) of 100 kHz (Standard Speed). To restore the display as quickly as possible, only the number at the given position (given character) is overwritten. Hours and minutes and seconds are overwritten only when changing and always only for a given team. In case of serious interest, it is possible to create firmware in machine code for Domination Timer to 3 or 4 teams, also possible to use Fast Speed I2C up to 400 kHz (based on deal). Actual version of RFID Domination Timer project supports these types of firmware RFID readers NXP RC522: Firmware version: 0x12 = counterfeit chip - (non - original NXP chip, replacement) Firmware version: 0x91 = Version 1.0 - (original NXP chip) Firmware version: 0x92 = Version 2.0 - (original NXP chip) Where RFID Domination Timer should be used: RFID Domination Timer project is, in terms of its versatility, suitable for implementation in Airsoft actions, and with the possibility of cloning the firmware, it is possible to place X Domination Timer points in the game field with identical firmware, which players can play with the same RFID cards. Domination Timer is also suitable for teams, sports grounds and playgrounds, which can use this device to expand the services and game modes offered for different numbers of players. If RFID cards, bracelets or key fobs are color-coded, it is very easy and universally distributed to players based on their team. Their archiving is also simple. Using cards, bracelets or key rings is easy and can handle all ages in Airsoft games. RFID chip itself is protected in a plastic case, it does not mind mud, dirt, water, frost, it is fully maintenance-free. It has no battery, the chip activates the RFID reader, which charges it with the transmitted electromagnetic field and allows it to send a UID - identifier if it is within range of the RFID reader. Domination Timer is suitable for game modes with the same number of players in both teams, e.g. DOMINATION, Capture Point (Points for multiple cloned Domination Timer points). Project hardware - RFID Domination Timer: Arduino UNO / Nano / standalone chip ATmega328P LCD 20x4 or 16x2 (20x4 layout is used in PCB design) I2C module for LCD display RFID reader RC522 (13.56MHz) ISO / IEC 14443-A standard keychains / cards / bracelets Passive buzzer (optional) 2x LEDs, 2x resistor (1x 220 ohm for GREEN LED, and 1x 1 kohm for RED LED) 2x resistor 10K I2C pullup (optional, useable for larger distance between display and Arduino) Software is delivered in machine code (.hex) at your mail for the ATmega328P architecture. The price is for 10x RFID UID for each team and 2x for the Referee and Eraser, total of 24x UID. If you want to increase the number, it is possible for 5 GBP / another 5 UID. The machine code cannot be modified and is tailor-made for the authorized operator based on the UID, which it delivers in .xls format (the template is available on the project page with an extended project description). It is possible to try for free one UID for each entity in project (ping me at mail for that). More about project you can read at: https://martinius96.github.io/Airsoft-DOMINATOR-RFID/en/index.html Template (.xls) document where RFID UIDs can be written for each entities from test sketch available on website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EHpdJi8v84eJ-6ExEPT6JuPkxI9Tfbm8v85zGRFvJ1Q/edit?usp=sharing Shareware version of project Project can be tested for free with your hardware before buy or payment in shareware version. There is available firmware on project's website. Firmware let you to use any 4 RFID cards (each for one entity). So you will have chance to test whole compatibility of project with your hardware. You can measure time up to 15 seconds for each team (then time will be automatically stopped). Then you can reset time using Eraser card and you can measure again 15 seconds for each team. Full version of project is without time limitation and with max 24 UIDs that are written directly to PROGMEM of microcontroller. Firmware (.hex file) can be uploaded to microcontroller via Xloader: https://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/arduino-xloader Or more experienced users can use AVRDUDE via console. For Arduino boards use 115200 baud/s upload speed. For Arduino Nano V3.0 clone use 57600 baud/s (Old Bootloader), otherwise firmware will be not uploaded. Shareware firmware for direct download: Shareware_RFID_DOMINATOR.hex - compatible for standalone ATmega328P chip with 16 MHz oscillator, Arduino Uno / Arduino Nano / Arduino Pro Mini


    Poprad, SK - SK


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    I offer RFID DOMINATOR version 2.0 built by me, which has implemented firmware for 2 teams - red and blue. The stopwatch allows you to measure the total time of occupying a point during the duration of the Capture the Hill / Domination game mode in the Airsoft / Paintball game. It works like a chess clock, when only one team can be active on a point at a given time, the team that has more time to hold the point at the end of the day / game mode wins. The hardware prototype has 2 LEDs in the colors of the given teams to indicate the current team holding the point. The player takes the team by attaching the RFID wristband to the reader. The wristbands are also in the colors of the teams, making it easier to distribute them to the players. The bracelets are maintenance-free. In total, there are 10x red wristband, 10x blue wristband, 3x black wristband (referee that can stop time), 2x black wristband with eraser marking, which can stop time and reset it for a new game. Power supply via mini USB cable (not supplied). All components are mounted on a PCB board, the main components such as Arduino, RFID reader and display are in pin strips. In the event of a malfunction, just pull out the given module and replace it with a new one. I also provide the .hex machine code to the prototype for the possibility of cloning the firmware to multiple devices, or to program the microcontroller in case of replacement, compatible for ATmega328P with 16 MHz oscillator (AVR Arduino Nano). The PCB is double-sided (double-layer) with overcoats. I am sending by post second class in my own hands, +3.9€ to the price. I send within 24 hours after payment, i.e. the following day in the afternoon. Before shipping, the hardware is tested and a functionality test video is created. Possible to expand to 4 teams in the future, increase the number of wristbands or RFID cards to the current number (individual agreement). It can also be powered via a 9V battery, it is necessary to solder the connection to Vin. The PCB is equipped with: Arduino Nano V3.0 RFID RC522 (13.56 MHz) LCD 2004A with I2C converter Active buzzer, circuit set to 2.3 kHz 2x LED 5mm 2x resistors PCB dimensions: 104x103 mm x 45 mm (including components), contrast can be adjusted in the rear part The inner diameter of the bracelets is approx. 55 mm. Price including post fees


    Poprad - SK

  6. RFID Domination Timer 2.0 available. Be first that have the first prototype produced ever!

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    If you want to get information about whole firmware, visit my other advert, where I offer firmware without hardware! I offer a programmed RFID Domination Timer prototype - a timer in the style of a chess clock for Airsoft / Paintball with firmware for 2 teams - BLUE and RED, which play against each other and try to occupy a point and then keep it for the longest time possible. A player of a team occupies a point by placing his RFID card to the RFID reader, which beeps to announce the change on the point, lights up the team's LED and starts adding time to the team in seconds. If the card is placed by a member of the second team, the time of the first team will stop at the current value and the time of the second team will start counting + the color of the active team will also change on the LED point. The maximum time for listing on the LCD character display is 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Stopwatches are thus also suitable for several-day events such as LARP, MilSim. Suitable especially for Capture The Hill / DOMINATION game mode. I am also supplying the machine code for the Domination Timer, which is already loaded into the unit. This will make it possible to clone the program to any number of other devices that you can create, and they will respond to identical RFID cards with identical configuration, so it is possible to create several Domination Timerpoints in your gaming area that will work independently of each other. Together with the Domination Timer, RFID cards are also supplied, 7x for each team, 2x for the Referee and 1x for the Eraser. With his card, the referee can stop the game and neutralize the point (the current times remain written on the display), the counting is reactivated by applying the team member's card. If Eraser applies his RFID card, the point is reset to 00 h, 00 min, 00 sec. The hardware is mounted on a PCB (104x101 mm), while the main components (Arduino Nano, LCD display and RFID reader) are mounted on pin strips. Thanks to this, the components can be replaced with new ones in the event of a malfunction without the need for soldering the components, they are simply pulled out of the slot after unscrewing the component from the spacers. The DPS also has the option of adding two pullup 10K resistors for the I2C bus SDA and SCL signals. System power via microUSB, average consumption approx. 50 mA at 5V power supply. The system can run for about 36 to 40 hours on a 2000 mAh power bank (depending on whether the LED is active - higher consumption, etc.). The device is plug n' play, just connect the power supply and operate. I do not offer DPS design or source code for this product. The DPS has mounting holes in the corners, which are primarily used for distance posts, but adapters (extendre) can also be used for the possibility of mounting on the wall, etc. The device must be operated indoors, the device is not supplied with a box, the device is neither waterproof nor waterproof. Domination Timer has acrylic front plate that is transparent, there are used extra pillars to hold it on PCB. Supplied hardware (hardware soldered onboard): PCB 104 x 101 mm Arduino Nano V3.0 (Old Bootloader) NXP RFID RC522 (13.56 MHz) Passive buzzer (2 kHz) 2x LEDs 2x primary resistor LCD character display 20x4 with bluebacklight Pin strip 2 x 15 pin, 1 x 8 pin, 1 x 4 pin 90° 17x RFID card of compatible ISO standard


    - SK

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    If you want to get information about whole firmware, visit my other advert, where I offer firmware without hardware! I offer a programmed RFID Domination Timer prototype - a timer in the style of a chess clock for Airsoft / Paintball with firmware for 2 teams - BLUE and GREEN, which play against each other and try to occupy a point and then keep it for the longest time possible. A player of a team occupies a point by placing his RFID card to the RFID reader, which beeps to announce the change on the point, lights up the team's LED and starts adding time to the team in seconds. If the card is placed by a member of the second team, the time of the first team will stop at the current value and the time of the second team will start counting + the color of the active team will also change on the LED point. The maximum time for listing on the LCD character display is 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Stopwatches are thus also suitable for several-day events such as LARP, MilSim. Suitable especially for Capture The Hill / DOMINATION game mode. I am also supplying the machine code for the Dominator, which is already loaded into the unit. This will make it possible to clone the program to any number of other devices that you can create, and they will respond to identical RFID cards with identical configuration, so it is possible to create several Dominator points in your gaming area that will work independently of each other. Together with the Dominator, RFID cards are also supplied, 7x for each team, 1x for the Referee and 1x for the Eraser. With his card, the referee can stop the game and neutralize the point (the current times remain written on the display), the counting is reactivated by applying the team member's card. If Eraser applies his RFID card, the point is reset to 00 h, 00 min, 00 sec. The hardware is mounted on a PCB (104x101 mm), while the main components (Arduino Nano, LCD display and RFID reader) are mounted on pin strips. Thanks to this, the components can be replaced with new ones in the event of a malfunction without the need for soldering the components, they are simply pulled out of the slot after unscrewing the component from the spacers. The DPS also has the option of adding two pullup 10K resistors for the I2C bus SDA and SCL signals. System power via microUSB, average consumption approx. 50 mA at 5V power supply. The system can run for about 36 to 40 hours on a 2000 mAh power bank (depending on whether the LED is active - higher consumption, etc.). The device is plug n' play, just connect the power supply and operate. I do not offer DPS design or source code for this product. The DPS has mounting holes in the corners, which are primarily used for distance posts, but adapters (extendre) can also be used for the possibility of mounting on the wall, etc. The device must be operated indoors, the device is not supplied with a box, the device is neither waterproof nor waterproof. Supplied hardware: PCB 104 x 101 mm Arduino Nano V3.0 (Old Bootloader) NXP RFID RC522 (13.56 MHz) Passive buzzer (2 kHz) 2x LEDs 2x primary resistor LCD character display 20x4 with yellow backlight Pin strip 2 x 15 pin, 1 x 8 pin, 1 x 4 pin 90°


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