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Posts posted by ChristianHalley

  1. 14 minutes ago, djben9 said:

    ive got some arriving today from firesupport, different brand, will pop in some of those silica bags i keep finding to assist with the moisture as well :)


    That's an awesome Idea. Thanks for that! I have loads leftover from when i ordered my other kit.

  2. 32 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

    you know they’ll take a good few years to “dissolve” lol

    Well yeah. Of course they will. But that's better than them being there for as long as a live, and then for everyone who lives here after me having to deal with them. I don't really care if I see them or not.

    1 minute ago, EDcase said:

    Hi and welcome Christian,


    6mm-ammo are a good brand.  The non-bios work well for me but some people have had issues with them jamming their guns so it can depend on what gun you use.


    The problem with bios is they are hygroscopic meaning they absorb water even from the atmosphere.  This will make them swell and jam in the gun.

    So you must keep them in a very dry place and they will probably still swell after some time and become unusable.


    Hi EDcase,


    Thanks for that, that's really helpful.


    I am currently using a G&G Arp-9 with a 11.1v Battery. I don't mind any performance issues, just so long as it doesn't cause permanent damage. I'm only using it casually for a bit of practise, so a few misfires here and there wont be an issue.


    I have a place set aside for them that's nice and dry, but I'm sure I'll use them up quite promptly. I imagine I'll get through them in a few days which hopefully wont allow them to turn.


    If you're confident that 6mm Ammo is a trusted brand, I'll take your word for it and order some today :) 

  3. Hi all,


    I am looking to buy some Bio BBs 6mm, for my G&G Arp 9. This is basically just to do some target practise in the garden at home, so I wanted to settle for Bio, just so i know they'll degrade.

    I found this site: https://www.6mmammo.co.uk and it seems to have what I am looking for, but I am very new to the sport and still sceptical about buying ammo. I don't really know what to look out for when buying ammo or what the trusted brands are, or if there is anything I should be aware of when buying, since the last thing I want is to damage my gun with some cheap BBs (if that is indeed even possible).


    Thanks in advance for your help!

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