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Everything posted by stipsniper

  1. Ola, I use an Action Army, just a standard VSR 14mm adapter. Usually fairly easy to get hold of. Will find you a link. https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/action-army-vsr-10-barrel-adapter-sniper-rifle-part-6mm-11671-p.asp Bullseye. Highly underrated shop. Stocks nearly everything. they also have the silencer in for £33.99 https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/swiss-arms-airsoft-goob-barrel-extension-for-mauser-sa1-bolt-14mm-ccw-23730-p.asp Get the look ;)
  2. Pressure is on... I'm busy doing aeg/milsim related stuff for the England vs Scotland game at the moment, I don't know if that's of any interest? And yeah ptfe is useful in the right places...
  3. I love ptfe and sorbothane. Essential kit. And thanks for the positive comments about my blog glad it's helpful
  4. Far too much advertising and paid reviews now. It is really difficult to get a solid review of anything and even testing some things, if it flies in the face of fanboys nobody will listen. From a bloggers perspective, it's not always easy to do direct comparisons on things, like comparing recoils as an example, because it means you have to buy both things to do it fairly, which gets expensive if you're just doing reviews for views, unless you get freebies but then there'll always be pressure to give a positive review of whatever you were given in order to help the sales of whoever gave you it and then to get more in the future. Most comparisons I've seen tend to be done by retailers... Personally, on stipsniper.com, if I do come across something good and worth buying I'll review it. Knowledge is free, and worth sharing because knowledge passed around comes around and you get to learn something new. Never understood players or groups who keep secrets to themselves (worst of all the ones that want to charge for it); we're all in it together and the more we all learn off each other the better we all get. And to finish on gameplay vids - they're generally shit. Airsoft on camera doesn't translate well and is nowhere near as good an experience as playing it. Kit reviews are far more helpful, and demonstrations of techniques.
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