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Everything posted by Smiller

  1. Smiller

    TM MWS full upper

    Time Left: 1 hour and 43 minutes

    • For sale
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    TM MWS upper John wick style BCM rail JW style flash hider Angry gun lightweight BCM BCG Vltor BCM charging handle Upgraded barrel- I think it’s an Orga but can’t remember Marui outer barrel and extension Hop etc etc All put together by Dave @ superSix, South Yorkshire based £250 plus shipping and any fees


    Barnsley , South Yorkshire - GB


    • For sale
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    High capacity trader magazines in PMag. USB charging. £30 each plus postage and fees


    South yorkshire - GB

  3. Did you test the tnt with the brass nub (sixg)? What about best for running at 1 joule /350fps? Really interested in the results. You’re write up is fab by the way and really interesting. Giving me another combo to trial as the tan bucking just fails far too quickly.
  4. Anyone help please with a resetting hop. Checked the lever and its placed correctly under hop arm and i have checked the hop wheel housing unit is tight and no wobble. It’s only recently happened and I‘ve never had the issue before. Using tm rubber with edgi and brass nub. Could it be simply the wheel clicker/ wheel has worn out and needs replacing? It still clicks when adjusting but after a few mags its reset back to zero. Look forward to the help Thanks
  5. I have a real one and it went on perfectly, no messing at all. Makes mag changes so much slicker and the obvious “i’m Now a proper operator feel”😬😉. Never had any issues with bolt locking back etc.
  6. Cheers fella, will give the file a go!
  7. Would appreciate some guidance please as I’m stuck on a magazine issue. the bb follower doesn’t want to sit right to the very top to engage the bolt lock. I have taken the whole mag apart and changed the follower, the bolt catch Mechanism, the bolt catch spring and the bb magazine spring but it still wont go to the very top. If you push down on it a few times it will engage the bolt lock catch but its really stiff as if there is some resistance rather than the normal springiness on the bolt lock latch at the back. Not sure what I’m doing wrong and would appreciate the guidance. Thanks
  8. Thanks fella. Will give it a go.
  9. Hey fellow MWS warriors, I’m in need of some assistance please: my stock trigger isn’t resetting itself anymore and i have to push it forward slightly to enable it to reset, this doesn’t happen on every shot but not far off. i’ve recently upgraded to the AG lightweight bolt with nozzle ( I’ve changed the NPAS To my RA tech and buffer piston to the standard TM) I’ve also upgrade the buffer to the g&p and used 2x of the steel weights. I’ve checked the trigger box and there doesn’t seem to be any broken bb’s etc and given it a squirt of oil. Could the issue be with the upgraded parts causing the trigger not to reset or is it something else please? Looking forward to the help thanks
  10. Money bags! That look the nuts!
  11. don’t forgot the request for your trigger mod @Davegolf
  12. Come on fella, pull your finger out 😉, out of interest how much was the replacement trigger kit? Are you still offering your servicing on the MWS too fella?
  13. Cheers fella. I think as @Davegolf says stick with the tm. I might try bed the modify accurate in a little more and see if the burrs around the opening Come away ( i know I’m dreaming lol). Have you seen this? If you can figure out what he’s done please be kind enough to share 😉 https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwihp7D9mOvoAhVllFwKHYCeAVkQwqsBMAF6BAgKEAc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6on9Cys31Dw&usg=AOvVaw0SxPaOO2KxS-QagBInOwRF
  14. Cheers fella, it was more for long range shots as I was just interested
  15. Modify x range, is it worth a go? I’’ve always used the modify tan with the Daves nub but found that they are just ripping too quickly. What degree is everyone using too? Using .32’s but could go heavier. Thanks in advance and hope your all keeping safe and fettling with those MWS’s
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