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Everything posted by marine

  1. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I'm sorry, I meant to take 10 shots per magazine in the test
  2. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Supernub ....SiX Gbrass ?
  3. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    yes, good note. When installing it I make sure that it is not forced and that the bbs push guide does not rub excessively. It is more in the T8 nozzle I had to sand the guide because it already rubbed with the TM OEM gas routes
  4. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hi ! 1. 0.32g Specna Arms EDGE bio 2. Yes 3. 10 shots per mag I see that VORSK gas it´s very unstable but you can see that max and min are better with T8 gas route
  5. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hi guys, I change gas Route in MWS with T8 nozzle . Gas VORSK V6 67% Humidity 16.3° degree
  6. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Worst nozzle . Broke in 3 games.
  7. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    to stock : up hop to barrel : down hop
  8. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I check leak introducing mag under water ... I wait 5-10min and see that it´s ok
  9. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hi , I was problem with o-ring union middle mag .. use PTFE to repair . If you have dudes to PMAG , I did a lot of test to better performance
  10. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    replace other oem nozzle.
  11. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Clean inner guide mag and probably solve your feed problem.
  12. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    @JUSTICE_RAINS totally agree with you
  13. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    holy shit. much better ace 1 arms
  14. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey bro , your problem has easy solution . Change nub .... a lot of stock MWS come with deformed . Put modify brown VSR and new nub ( for example tube BIC pen ) and enjoy PD : best gram bb´s it´s 0.30 or 0.32
  15. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have similar , brand it´s element and works fine.
  16. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    best option it´s G&P i know that 3.5 it´s perfect to 1.14J but these joules.... no idea Why change inlet valve ¿?
  17. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    1 . You don´t need specify key . I have element brand about 12€ and it´s ok. 2. The best form to avoid leak it´s good o-ring. If you put PTFE it´s only a solution short-middly time. 3. Nope and it´s not neccesary. Great quality stock parts. 4. I use gas without oil silicone and it´s better to avoid oil in hop up rubber and barrel but need more maintenance for you 5. Grease : gear and others parts hard movement , oil : tiny parts and parts with springs.
  18. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I use 0.30 ( Surgeron RWA , Geoffs , BLS , Specna ) to my MWS at 1.14J I have a friend that use 0.32 and he say me that was fantastic but..... maybe 0.32 it´s too heavy ?
  19. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    hi guys , someone replace piston head ? I´m looking for the best. PD : My Nozzle MPA has broken .... Bad quality and Bad piston head.
  20. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I sanded them lightly and they fall perfectly The arm hop up may be slightly blocked. But that it only happens in the first bbs is rare.
  21. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hole marks in mag. ... and it has a little more slack , but 100% functionally
  22. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I think that your problem can be spring nozzle or piston head nozzle . Modify tan is the better bucking for mws and 0 issues.
  23. marine

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have angry gun MPA nozzle and very well
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