yes, good note.
When installing it I make sure that it is not forced and that the bbs push guide does not rub excessively. It is more in the T8 nozzle I had to sand the guide because it already rubbed with the TM OEM gas routes
Hi !
1. 0.32g Specna Arms EDGE bio
2. Yes
3. 10 shots per mag
I see that VORSK gas it´s very unstable but you can see that max and min are better with T8 gas route
Hey bro , your problem has easy solution . Change nub .... a lot of stock MWS come with deformed . Put modify brown VSR and new nub ( for example tube BIC pen ) and enjoy
PD : best gram bb´s it´s 0.30 or 0.32
1 . You don´t need specify key . I have element brand about 12€ and it´s ok.
2. The best form to avoid leak it´s good o-ring. If you put PTFE it´s only a solution short-middly time.
3. Nope and it´s not neccesary. Great quality stock parts.
4. I use gas without oil silicone and it´s better to avoid oil in hop up rubber and barrel but need more maintenance for you
5. Grease : gear and others parts hard movement , oil : tiny parts and parts with springs.
I use 0.30 ( Surgeron RWA , Geoffs , BLS , Specna ) to my MWS at 1.14J
I have a friend that use 0.32 and he say me that was fantastic but..... maybe 0.32 it´s too heavy ?