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  1. Please. I'm not interested in games or site rules. I want to use my L1A1 Fa-Mas and stuff like that, so buying a sniper is out. guns I have that I used in RL in the Army and such for Range work. Pinking fun. Thanks for the info . I would think then that a decent FPS to aim for with a spring gun like the L1A1 is around the 500/600 mark then. Keeping it usable and affordable.
  2. Na don't want an air gun. I like talking my realistic guns out. Ones I've used in RL. Just for the fun of it.
  3. All good to know. I'm not a skirmisher but do like taking them to the range. So getting it higher is better for me. Thanks
  4. Mmm Don't think you'd get airsoft up to that high
  5. Seen a few posts but they seem to mention 'game' fps. What is the max , if there is one, a gun can be without taking the 'game' rules into account ? Thanks
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