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Everything posted by Angelvill3

  1. Low offer the most realism 20 - 40 bbs per mag. Best suited to milsim. You'll be heavily out gunned in skirmishes Mid caps offer the best middle ground with realism but enough rounds to stay in a fight. 80 - 200 bbs per mag (dependson brand). Can be used in both local skirmish and milsims. High cap have the most bbs per mag 400-650 bbs. Can't use at milsims good for players who constantly pound the trigger or saves on money as you need less to play. You'll also have to wind a wheel constantly to get through the mag i.e every 75-120 rounds I personally only buy mid caps as I hate the rattle and having to wind when running or shooting with high caps
  2. Could need to change the hop rubber. If the gun was bought used the rubber might be worn out or just a rubbish one that doesn't seat the bb and needs replacing.
  3. Welcome to the dark side. It's downhill from here. You'll start saving open tabs of stuff you want to buy.
  4. Ok thanks for the feedback Nice, thanks for the info
  5. Ahhh I see. What was the performance like in comparison to the ra tech??
  6. Hi, Has anyone used any of these or can recommend one over the other for the mws platforms please.
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