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Posts posted by Rory

  1. Not sure if there are other viable ways that wouldn’t encounter a lot of scrutiny. You could drive back into the UK with them possibly once you’ve attended  a few UK games and have a playing history. Via ferry.

    I have some friends who once drove across to Italy from Glasgow for a Paintball comp and they had trouble explaining the gas cylinders and regulator stuff in the van when they were stopped. Everyone else just arranged for gas to be supplied at the site….

  2. Hello,

    regarding the challenges to your friends shipping RIFs from abroad. I’ve played in Spain, Portugal and attended the Operation Rising Sun games in Croatia, and had no issue with the RIFs being in cases and checked in as hold luggage.

    The key is communication, to check with the airline, and the host countries rules, and discuss it with them several weeks before you travel. I’ve had to print off an email or two from European countries with translations of what I’m travelling with, which does make it easier.

    At the worst, most airlines will charge it as ‘Sporting Firearms’, which will cost the same as checking in a set of golf clubs. 
    I had one incident at Stanstead back in about 2010ish when the police just wanted to check them, but there was no problem. 

  3. Mid-Caps and Low-Caps I empty completely, I have a few hi caps which I let spit out back into the bottle if unused, but those springs are 10feet long and made of unicorn hair so I think once they start dropping or misfeeding they're gubbed, so maybe worth continuing to empty if you use. Gas mags, I keep a bit inside and regularly (once/twice a month) check the release valve on the back is under pressure. I’m always happy to be corrected, but most legit airsoft gas has some silicon based lube in it. (Hehehe, I said lube….)

  4. Probably play 6 times a year max, since I stopped marshalling and being involved with sites. Two young kids and life can often get in the way of pew pew fun. I was lucky to play in Spain and Portugal through work colleagues when I was working away, but now I’m home based it depends on the gaffer….

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