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  • Guns
    TM MWS
    Loads of G&P WA GBBR's
    VFC 417
    VFC M110
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  1. I think I'll disassemble it and see where the issue is. Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Really appreciate it.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've actually replaced the hammer spring and it's exactly the same. I know it's an odd analogy but it basically a little like when you put a ruler on the edge of a desk and twang it. Exactly like that. It's very odd.
  3. Hi all. Hope someone can help. I have an issue with one of my G&P M4's. I'm getting hammer bounce. The rif is firing twice with every trigger pull. If I take the upper off and reset the hammer and pull the trigger I can see the hammer bounce when it fires rather and just hitting once. Any ideas on what part I need to replace?
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