Hi all,
Going to take some flak for this I suspect but here we go anyway!
During a game recently I was making my way through some dense head height cover and had been for some time when I heard someone behind me say words to the effect of "Player take a hit".
I turn and see someone pointing a sniper rifle at me who has just entered the cover and come across me suddenly well within the minimum engagement distance.
I asked if he had hit me and he said that he couldn't fire because he was too close.
So I fired a single shot on semi into his chest, to his credit he immediately called hit but said that I should've taken my hit, to which I replied that he should have engaged with his alternate weapon, he then said he didn't have one a little sheepishly and walked off.
It was a large event so I didn't see him again unfortunately.
Basically im after thoughts on how I handled the situation, with hindsight I basically think that:
A) he did have me to rights so I should've taken a hit..... but,
he chose to play as a sniper and one of the things you give up in return for extra fps is the ability to engage in that situation, if you still want to then you carry a secondary end of.
I should say that if he had tried to get close enough for a knife kill, with rubber knife or pat on back then I would happily have taken a hit, but he chose not to risk doing that.
What do we reckon, what would you have done?