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Everything posted by AIRSOFTS70

  1. Considering the male or female question, I have no doubt that your correct in your findings of only around 4% use but I just wanted data to reflect this. Regarding the age question I did not want to use participants under the age of 18 on my survey - just due to using demographic total income only over the age of 18. I do agree that a survey doesn't answer in detail many of the questions here I was just after some quick quantitative research. I totally agree on the wording though I could have worded things better and will review.
  2. Interestingly enough I have a BSc in psychology, however psychological research analysis is a completely different ball game. Thank you for all your input I rather naively thought I would be able to carryout this type of research without too much prior knowledge in this research field. You know your stuff - there's no denying that.
  3. Yes Sacarathe, perhaps a survey (this survey) was not the best way to attain the information I was after. However the information I have gained though the comments on here has helped so thank you. Hello Sitting Duck, I can assure you this is not scam of any kind, I just genuinely want to find out some information on preferences. surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MKP8KJM is the full URL if this helps. Aengus - I'm sorry about the age range thing - I think its safe to say survey making is not a strong point of mine
  4. You bring up some relevant points Jedi Master, I am pretty new to market research in this area so your comments are really appreciated. I will look through the links you have provided and re-evaluate some aspects of the questionnaire. Thank you for your input. sorry, CQB- close quarter battle
  5. Hello Jedi Master, we are looking at the South Yorkshire area. This will be a indoor CQB, hope this helps.
  6. Hello everyone im doing some market research in this area as considering opening an airsoft arena in the future. I would like it if you could just click the link and spare just a few minutes to complete my eight question survey. Thank you. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MKP8KJM
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