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Everything posted by luka123

  1. i have them all open on other tabs im trying to find diffent ones...
  2. http://www.xsiteshop.co.uk/KJWorks-KP-08-Gas-Blowback-Pistol.html I have heard many people comment on KJ works being awful is this gun any good?
  3. I want to know people views on Metal vs ABS plastic on GBB pistol Debate away
  4. Thankyou i have been looking at the 226 is there a differace btween E2 and orignal?
  5. Can anyone recommend me a solid GBB pistol which is gas efficient and is reliable and is acceablity to mags ect.. is high price range 90-130 I would really appreciate is thank you so much for your time and expertice.
  6. http://www.xsiteshop.co.uk/TM-Sig-P226-E2.html is this any good?
  7. Thankyou very much for your reply could i dm u a gun for you ponion?
  8. Hey my names luka So i was playing my air-soft site about a week ago and i was having this conversation with one of the players about Gas blow back pistols, i asked for some advice and he told me to look for gas efficiency when looking to buy one. Later on that someone told me to go for a TM pistol as there made out if abs plastic instead of metal so that they dont freeze up can someone verify these statements and i would love it if someone could recommend me some good reliable pistols:) it would be most appreciated! All the best luka
  9. so i have purchased a http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/g-g-gc16-warthog-9-inch-combat-machine-black.htm#.VkJBGrfhCUk and wondering what magazines i can use because i cant find any mags for it and don't know what ones are compatibility with it please help much appreciated
  10. can anyone find a suppressor that would fit this gun http://www.xsiteshop.co.uk/CYMA-M14-EBR.html kind regards luka
  11. So im ordering this gun http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/g-g-gc16-warthog-12-inch-combat-machine-black.htm#.Vjut6mTtlBc but i want attach a laser to the side how can i do this? Luka
  12. Hey i really appreciate the feed back i have looked at the cyma m14 ebr but could not find a silencer for it, do you know where i could find one and does a universal one http://www.amazon.co.uk/TFC-Universal-Silencer-Airsoft-M249/dp/B00BEXWQ6I/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1446749005&sr=8-7&keywords=airsoft+silencer would fit it?
  13. hello so i am a couple of days away from ordering my gun and attachments i am ordering a G&G Armament GC16 Warthog 12'' Combat Machine now the first thing is i cant find a review of this gun anywhere! i do not know if this is a bad sign? if anyone has any advice or knowledge i would love to know,I am going for a DMR kind of build i want range and accuracy specifically, am i ordering a completely rubbish gun for that purpose i understand for a DMR ill need to upgrade a lot but for a gun out the box is it good for what i want a ranged and accurate DMR gun? again anyones onion is very useful for me.please help kind regards Luka!
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