I've got a few questions about assorted airsoft topics and this seemed to be the appropriate place to ask them.
1. I Like the look and feel of gas blow back but I've heard many different things about it's performance. I've heard that gas guns stop working when approaching 0°C, I've also heard that gas guns can perform even in -20 but they're incredibly inaccurate (something to do with the hop-up rubber?). If someone could set the record straight that'd be great! I don't want to invest in a gas rifle to find out it can't cope with a British summer!
2. I quite like the idea of Mil-Sim games. I've heard about several day events in the welsh countryside and such and they sound great. I'd like to try it out some day when I've got my own guns and stuff but I don't really know where to start. If someone could point me in the right direction, perhaps some reasonably local (I live in Bristol) Mil-Sim sites or organisations that'd be fantastic!
3. Finally is there any major pitfalls to avoid I should know about? I've played a few games in Bristol but I haven't invested in any of my own kit and I am still picking up the basics. I've been told that if I am serious about it I should get a UKARA license so I can buy some gear and stop having to rent it so I am planning to organise that soon!
Any help is great! I'm trying to gather as much info as I can so that I can get a good experience and who better to ask than the community!
Cheers, DareDemon666