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Everything posted by Skippy77

  1. What sort of nozzle can I get as there are signs of wear and tear on it. Do you also have to use grease or can you use any type of grease like lithium grease or Teflon type grease.
  2. I have replaced the spring from my AGM mp44 gearbox. The old spring was a lot shorter. The spring I out in was a 100 spring that I cut down just slightly longer than the old spring. However now the shots appear to be a lot slower. Should I have put in the full sized spring? Does anyone know know what type of gear box this is to replace/upgrade? Regards Skip
  3. Hello, I'm trying to find stock in the UK of some one that will have a AGM MP44 magazine for sale. Or perhaps if you have too many would you be willing to sell to some one, keen with WW2 history and Airsoft. I've seen these new from £15 to £20 however no one seems to have stock of these magazines. Perhaps if you are a shop owner and you have one in stock please let me know by providing me a link to purchase one of these. thanks Mike
  4. Hello, I've purchased a AGM MP44/STG44 and the fps of this is in the high 400fps. I have bought a M100 spring as I was told this could give me 320-330fps. The thing is I'm not sure how to fit this. Has anyone performed this replacement of this gun? all suggestions welcomed. Mike
  5. I purchased a second hand Grenade launcher on the weekend and I want to mount this on my M83. I've had to literally cut sections out to make it fit me M83 however, I've found out that my 7.2v NI-MH battery will not fit into the battery compartment on the grenade launcher. The grenade launcher was cheap, looked good and had a spring loaded BB gun in it, so I seemed o.k. until I tried to make it fit. Can I use a 8.4v mini Tamiya battery with my M83 when it came with a 7.2v battery and charger? If not could I use a 7.4v LI-PO battery instead? regards Mike (newbie)
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