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  1. Thank you for your post. Would this be okay? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Abbey-Silicone-Gun-Oil-35-Gun-Rifle-Care-Shooting-Airsoft-30ml-Bottle-/151623227570?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item234d72d8b2 Thank You.
  2. Thank you for your time. Shall I go ahead and order from the link below which also has a mixture of isopropyl? (I am not familiar with this term so do please pardon my illiteracy) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/x100-FastAid-Lint-Free-IPA-70-Isopropyl-Alcohol-Wipes-Swabs-Prep-Pads-TATTOO-/252003801914?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aac98db3a Thank You.
  3. Thank you all for your kind replies. I have also heard that alcohol corrodes metal internals. What are your views on this? In that case, should I purchase isopropyl/alcohol wipes as well as silicone lubricant? So clean the barrel with wipes and after a few minutes for letting it dry, then lightly run down the lubricant? Also, do I have to buy the silicone lubricant especially made for airsoft guns or could I just buy any? Thank You very much.
  4. Hi guys. Hope you are all doing well. First of all, I would like to shout out a massive thank you to all of you on this forum in helping me choose the right gun. I was going to place an order for a gun on justbbguns which I thought would be good until you guys came across and pointed me to the right directions. And thank you "Sitting Duck" for all your efforts. Much appreciated. Aside from Sitting Duck's views, do you guys have any recommended oil, lubricant or any solution for cleaning the gun barrel. I heard that 100% silicone oil works best. If you can also post some links for 'that' solution from eBay on here, I would really appreciate it. Thank You and take care.
  5. No. I am fine with two tone. I was just wondering if I could get a better gun for around the same price as that in the link. Thanks.
  6. Thank you guys for your kind information. Is there a better gun on the website (airsoftworld) than http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-black.html and would you buy this gun to which the link is posted? My preference is M4/M16 AEG rifles, full metal, around 350FPS with 50 meter range around £200? G&G brands are said to be quite good but this is my first time buying an airsoft so I want to make sure of everything. Thank You.
  7. Hi, I just wanted to ask a quick question. Here are two same rifles with barely any difference to which the links are as follows: http://www.airsoftwo...ifle-black.html and http://www.airsoftwo...ml#product-tabs Gun in the first link has 330+ FPS and 450 Magazine Capacity where as the second gun has 340+ FPS and 300 Magazine Capacity. Why is it that two exact same guns have different FPS and Capacity? And which one would you prefer? I will also buy 9.6V battery. Is that safe and effective? And are there any other aeg's you would recommend within £200? Thank You for your time.
  8. You are right. I am pushing it. I am happy with 50 meter range with great accuracy.
  9. You are right. It is best for me to just get an expensive, proper AEG airsoft and then paint it to black or whatever colour SHOULD I choose to be ukara'd.
  10. I am really impressed by your latter choice of full metal M4-like AEG. I am putting this on my consideration list. Do you or anyone else has any more similar options like full metal body, 350+ FPS and 60m+ range? And I have narrowed down my search results to airsoft world and zerooneairsoft. These websites are legitimate right? I can do a google search but as I said, I am solely relying on you guys for any decisions.
  11. Well, somebody could get hurt if misused. I know proper AEG airsofts can hurt but not to the extent at which air rifle does. I will be using it for fun anyways. So airsoft rifles are not that accurate in general? Not speaking relatively.
  12. Yes sure. You can ask whatever you wish. I would like to buy just for the fun of it. And mostly target shooting. Three weeks ago, I went paintballing with my friends and I loved it very much but I initially had interest in airsoft and paintballing anyways. Proper skirmish battles interest me a lot but I do not have much time in my hands (I am applying for maths this yeat at universities so have to prepare for entry tests and revise further maths bla bla bla) I am willing to spend around £220 give or take so that is why I want to make sure I get the best I can in this price range. Hence my effort in research and browsing the forums.
  13. Could somebody fill me on this as I am not sure what is going on here lol I am not getting the license for various reasons such as cost, time consuming hassle and location. So not bothered.
  14. lol have I done something wrong? My apologies nonetheless haha
  15. Thank you for your replies. I was just about to place an order but was was not able to decide which one to go for so I have stopped everything now. I will solely rely on in this forum (specifically this thread) for any decisions as you are more expert and knowledgeable. I have checked the Zero one website and it is amazing so far. And I am not intending on getting a UKARA licence at the moment. I was just interested in professional airsoft guns which I do not mind in two tone. I am spending a large amount (Aprox: £220 max) from my point of view so I want to make sure it has all the qualities. Any links guys? Thank You very much. Much appreciated.
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