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Posts posted by Nbkelias

  1. dose it actually load the next BB?


    is it loading the next bb and not re cocking its self? Not loading but seems to be cocking all the way


    is the slide going all the way home? Does appear to be


    what gas are you using? Green gas


    my first shots fine sometimes I get a second shot but not often

    It does fire away to my noob eyes without problems except the follow up rounds

  2. Hi everyone I posted this in guns and gear but no one has been able to help so thought I would try here so sorry for the repost 😁


    I have a we hi capa 5.1 I hadn't used it in a long time but always had issues to be honest

    I've gave the gun a good clean and oil but for some reason I can't shoot anymore than one round without having too manually pull the slide back.

    The slide seems as if it kicks back enough to load the next round plus seems to move freely and does kick hammer back

    I have


    Tried diffrent mags

    And watched countless YouTube vids

    And searched the web endlessly but can't find out what's wrong

    I was thinking of buying new




    Any advice is VERY appreciated

    Thanks and have a good one people😜

  3. I play a lot over in Fife. Plan on making my way over to Section 8 and The Depot for a few games later this year.

    Planing To make it my first stop next month when I get my kit in order need to get new battery etc and trying to fix my side arm ive played there before cant wait to get back into it again

  4. Hi there everyone im just new the forum and just going to start going back to airsoft after a 10 year gap I got my guns out and gave them a good clean but ive been having problems with my hi capa when I fire the gun I only seem to get the first round unless I physiclly pull the slide back it feels and looks as if it kicks back enough when firing that it should load the next round so I think it maybe the feeder but unsure

    Has anyone ever experienced similar problems

    And could anyone recomend a

    Piston / feeder / spring upgrade kit

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