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Everything posted by LogieBear

  1. I need to get a UKARA license, as I don't like the look of two tone guns. Thing is, I am under 18, and neither of my parents go airsofting (my dad has a bad knee and my mum isn't interested in being shot at for a few hours). Is there any way for ME to have gone airsofting, and still have that down on the UKARA form?
  2. I pushed the magazine up, and it seemed to sort the problem. But how do I make it stay permanently in that position?
  3. I only very recently went and got myself the M15, I was well impressed. The only problem was when I got home, the gun wasn't feeding right. I fully stripped the gun and lubed and cleaned it, and it worked like a charm. But last weekend I brought it to the first game I had used the gun, and it wasn't feeding correctly. Semi-Auto only worked for short amounts of time, maybe 4-5 shots, where then I would go onto between 10 and 15 shots where nothing came out. Full auto had the same results. This is with a full magazine (which I did get separately), and a mid cap, so no winding or rattling . After taking it home and completely stripping it, checking for dirt and debris (where there was none) down the barrel, in the feeding tube and in the hop up, the gun was still not feeding right. I lubed it up with plastic lubricant and a bit of silking (from WE gun cleaning kit), which after reading a few problems online, seemed to work for others. However, I got the same results. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please let me know as this is my first gun (after using friends and rentals) and it'd be a bit pants to see it break down so early N.B. this was a pre-owned gun which I bought from one of the local sites for £80. The guys that run the site are trusted throughout the airsofting community of Antrim. I had asked them were they selling them off because they were broken, and they said no, that it was to deal with the extra rentals that would come up and play during the summer
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