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Everything posted by Gunner_Who

  1. They are at Unit 7, Eldon Way, Hockley, Essex, SS5 4AD, above CJ'S bowling. Opening times are 10am to 10pm Tuesday to Sunday, Closed Monday. It costs £12 for the first hour, £10 for the second hour and £8 for the third and subsequent hours. Hire gun, mask and 2 mags of ammo are included with each hour. I played there Saturday, my guns fps's are to high (they have a 250fps limit) so I used a hire gun, it was an ARX160 by Umarex, I quite liked it. You can phone and book into a game, the game I joined was in the evening and had a mix of ages from about 13 to 50. There were 18 of us playing and they provided 2 marshals one per team and a member of staff in the safe room. Play was fast paced and very intense I have never experienced anything quite like it. I will definatly be going back, probably next Friday
  2. Hockley Airsoft Arena is now open; they posted a video on YouTube http://t.co/egodasi6Hv they also have a Facebook page.
  3. Hockley Airsoft Arena is now open; they have a hotel based CQB arena which has carpet on the floor and some furniture. You can book by the hour, the rifle and mask come as part of the package along with two mid cap mag’s , extra mag’s are 20p each. I don’t think it is aimed at the hard-core airsofter but if you want a couple of hours of fun it may be just what you need. You can see a video on YouTube http://t.co/egodasi6Hv I hope this helps.
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