RR01 I think your right ,I shall be sending it back but what a pain ,the gun itself is fine as far as I can tell .if I turn it upside down it feeds .Ive learnt two things though rs mags aren't as good as there cracked up to be & hi mags are a pain to keep winding.Cheers jack
Devil blasters.25s ,one minute it works fine then just starts playing up again ,when it's good it's really good & then it just throws a wobley.Its windi ding me up 😀cheers Jack
It high cap & the problem seems to be intermittent,,far to much winding up needed & one that works & the next it don't .By the way I do know you need to keep winding them up but this is some other Prob ,but it is the mag
Spatch it did work partially at first but just won't feed properly ,I have to keep turning gun upside down them fires a few & stops ,I take mag off & a few bbs fall out .Spoke to techy at land warrior who reckons it's the mag .I haven't touched the hop up but it is all the way foreward to my right as o look at it.Shame because it's shooting like a dream when it does fire .cheers jack
I don't bloomin believe got my battery charged bought some bbs & would you believe it the mag that came with my aeg is knackered ,won't feed .cheers jack
Thanks for link ,I should have had it fitted whilst it was there ah well .Ok then can anyone recommend where I can get it fitted in my area ,Maidenhead Berks ,Don't mind a little drive but I'm not posting .cheers Jack
Right I've read the fps sticky & various other things on the subject & I'm not power crazy.I would however like to increase the fps of my aeg .Its a real sword type 56-2 & i know that there capable of very good accuracy & in the usa they have much higher fps up to about 400 I believe .What I'm trying to achieve is about 330-340 because I will using it mostly in woodland & outside so cqb fps doesn't mattet .I would allso like to use .25s & higher to increase the accuracy What do you good people recomend I do ,is it just a case of changeing the spring & possibly a tight bore inner barrel.Allso can anyone recommend somewhere in my area I could get these upgrades done by a good techy type.Cheers jack
Right I've managed to find a place that does a tamiya to deans connecter but my next question is which way do they generally wire them ie which end will be female .cheers jack