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  • Guns
    H&K G36c
    H&K MP5

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  1. Yeah, the markings arent actually engraved, its like ink on the plastic
  2. Awesome, doesnt really matter it all does the same job, thanks again for your help!
  3. Good idea, thanks! Any idea where I can find one? I cant seem to find one
  4. Yeah, Ill take the actual selector off but the markings, I think tape may be the best option, or I could spray over it all then draw them back on.
  5. Thanks, I think its too thin to put masking tape over it, and if I taped the whole thing it'll still have orange underneath
  6. Hello there I am wanting to spray my orange MP5, however I have come across a bit of a hurdle. I have sprayed most of it, however the part where the select fire is still orange. This is because I want to spray it black, however I dont know how I will show the select fire. If this makes sense? Here is a picture, although this is not my gun, this is what I mean: Thanks for reading, and please post your suggestions on what I can do!
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