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Quex airsoft

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    Quex Park Birchington
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    Supplying the best possible Airsoft experience for all!

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  1. Airsoft big game Quex park Birchington kent, Check out the website www.winterwarsquex.com for info and to book The bookings are coming in thick and fast with teams from all over the uk attending don't miss this Great event
  2. Winter wars major game November 8th and 9th 2014 Quex park Birchington kent ct70bh 200 acres of scenarios and woodland, Games running all weekend with black ops big night game lined up on both nights £45 day fee £75 weekend fee Camping available Pre booking essential on 01843 866023 Low £20 deposit secures your place Find us on airsoft map.net or visit our website www.winterwarsquex.com
  3. Hey everyone! We have been a long standing paintball site for 4 years now, and we are expanding into airsoft. We have been running games on our site for the last few months and things just keep getting better and better! Hopefully over the next few months you will come and play at our new site, or just keep up with our improvements. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask!
  4. Hi mike, Yes we do have a website, www.quexpaintball.com as you will see we are a paintball site, airsoft has over the last few months been brought into the fold and due to popularity we will be now running it regularly,
  5. We're proud to announce that Quex park Birchington kent now offer monthly airsoft days, if you haven't tried us come give us ago, our dday landing arena makes for a full on battle, 01843866023 Lots of exciting events coming up so keep watching
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