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Does it Cost?

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  • 5 months later...
Usually you will have to become a member of the skirmish site first, this will cost.


Once you have played there 3 times, then you can apply for UKARA registration.


There's a good Q&A thread here:



so i still have no idea how mutch that will cost *crys* ill never have enough money to get a gun stupid reccesion and no jobs grrrr

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some sites you can join them for free after youve done your se visits or whatever their rules are. They then put you onto the ukara database at usually no cost.

Some sites require a membership fee once youve played 3 times, mine is £50 for a year, i was also put onto the ukara database for no cost.


Heres a cost breakdown


3 visits to site with free membership @£20 = £60

Add 3 gun hire charges at £15 say = £45

Total will be about £100, if there is a membership charge then it will perhaps be as much as £150


Bear in mind that this is spread over the course of 3 visits so it doesnt all hit you at once

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