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CYMA CM701B (Remington 700)

CYMA CM701B (Remington 700)


  • Price £150
1 Question


Make: CYMA
Gun/Model: CM701B
Accessories: Scope, bipod, suppressor with cover, 4 x mags
Condition: used
FPS: 495 with 0.2g bb
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: N/N/N
Price/Payment: £150

For sale is a used but great condition CYMA CM701B which resembles the famous Remington Model 700.
the gun comes with a 3-9x30 mil dot scope and rings and a huge airsoftpro viper sound tech suppressor with a home made cover (neoprene and Velcro straps) the suppressor fits over the outer barrel giving it that SWAT police close ranges look. I have the attachments to mount the suppressor on the very end of the barrel too but it increases the overall length by 310mm. the Harris bipod is a simple one with no cant. It comes with 4 magazines (vsr/bar 10 type)

rifle in the Bristol area, would prefer collection as I don’t have a box but shipping could be arranged.

£150 posted


  • Make
  • Model
    CYMA CM701B (Remington 700)
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Bipod scope mags

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